有没有办法禁止发送 ResendRequest 消息?

Is there a way to disable the sending of ResendRequest Message?

Resend Request logic is the FIX session mechanism by which a given system, upon detecting a higher than expected message sequence number from its counterparty, requests a range of ordered messages resent from the counterparty. The counterparty resends the requested message range sequentially until both systems are back in sequence

由于我正在研究的市场只想依赖 NextExpectedMsgSeqNum,有没有办法禁用 ResendRequest[=21= 的发送] 来自 Quickfix 引擎的消息?

即: 配置参数: EnableResendRequest=Y|N

我已将此参数 SendRedundantResendRequests=N 添加到我的 Quickfix 设置文件中。效率很高,所以我可以避免发送这条消息。