加密和解密首先是 JSON 的对象

encrypting and decripting and object that first was a JSON

我正在尝试加密一个 JSON 的对象,为此我首先将其转换为字符串,对其进行加密,当解密时它作为随机符号返回,因为它无法转换它。


 { a: 'A',
     { ttp: 'localhost:3000/ttp/allusers',
     b: 'localhost:8000/server/allusers',
     Mhash: '6d2e5cc3a67ae82ae7edf6fb6054f977' } }

var mensajeToBbignum = bignum.fromBuffer(new Buffer(x));
   var mensajeToBcrip = keys2.publicKey.encrypt(mensajeToBbignum);
console.log('encryption with public:', '\n',      
mensajeToBcrip.toBuffer().toString('base64'), '\n');


{"a":"A","L":"GET ALL USERS","Po":{"ttp":"localhost:3000/ttp/allusers","b":"localhost:8000/server/allusers","Mhash":"6d2e5cc3a67ae82ae7edf6fb6054f977"}}

最后用 base64 编码:


我知道它使用以下代码在 base64 中接收相同的字符串:

var recibidoBignum = bignum(req.body.mensaje);
console.log('recibidoBignum:', '\n',   
recibidoBignum.toBuffer().toString('base64'), '\n');
var reqdecrip = keys.privateKey.decrypt(recibidoBignum);
console.log('decryption with private:', '\n', reqdecrip.toBuffer().toString(), '\n\n\n\n\n\n');


encryption with public: 


decryption with private: 
�8����P�`��t�>  �x)���m��S���n�l� �:�17^�����l�}%��綷K�N�Y�a-5��J���p���8�@�b�Vs� 

所以它似乎可以加密 JSON 对象,但随后无法解密它


rsa = {
    publicKey: function(bits, n, e) {
        this.bits = bits;
        this.n = n;
        this.e = e;
    privateKey: function(p, q, d, publicKey) {
        this.p = p;
        this.q = q;
        this.d = d;
        this.publicKey = publicKey;
    generateKeys: function(bitlength) {
        var p, q, n, phi, e, d, keys = {};
        // if p and q are bitlength/2 long, n is then bitlength long
        this.bitlength = bitlength || 2048;
        console.log("Generating RSA keys of", this.bitlength, "bits");
        p = bignum.prime(this.bitlength / 2);
        do {
            q = bignum.prime(this.bitlength / 2);
        } while (q.cmp(p) === 0);
        n = p.mul(q);

        phi = p.sub(1).mul(q.sub(1));

        e = bignum(65537);
        d = e.invertm(phi);

        keys.publicKey = new rsa.publicKey(this.bitlength, n, e);
        keys.privateKey = new rsa.privateKey(p, q, d, keys.publicKey);
        return keys;

rsa.publicKey.prototype = {
    encrypt: function(m) {
        return m.powm(this.e, this.n);
    decrypt: function(c) {
        return c.powm(this.e, this.n);

rsa.privateKey.prototype = {
    encrypt: function(m) {
        return m.powm(this.d, this.publicKey.n);
    decrypt: function(c) {
        return c.powm(this.d, this.publicKey.n);

module.exports = rsa;

这是一个编码问题。 bignum(s) 假定 s 是 Base 10 中的整数,但根据您的描述 req.body.mensajevar recibidoBignum = bignum(req.body.mensaje);.

中的 Base 64 编码字符串


var bignum = require("bignum");

var rsa = {
    publicKey: function(bits, n, e) {
        this.bits = bits;
        this.n = n;
        this.e = e;
    privateKey: function(p, q, d, publicKey) {
        this.p = p;
        this.q = q;
        this.d = d;
        this.publicKey = publicKey;
    generateKeys: function(bitlength) {
        var p, q, n, phi, e, d, keys = {};
        // if p and q are bitlength/2 long, n is then bitlength long
        this.bitlength = bitlength || 2048;
        console.log("Generating RSA keys of " + this.bitlength + " bits");
        p = bignum.prime(this.bitlength / 2);
        do {
            q = bignum.prime(this.bitlength / 2);
        } while (q.cmp(p) === 0);
        n = p.mul(q);

        phi = p.sub(1).mul(q.sub(1));

        e = bignum(65537);
        d = e.invertm(phi);

        keys.publicKey = new rsa.publicKey(this.bitlength, n, e);
        keys.privateKey = new rsa.privateKey(p, q, d, keys.publicKey);
        return keys;

rsa.publicKey.prototype = {
    encrypt: function(m) {
        return m.powm(this.e, this.n);
    decrypt: function(c) {
        return c.powm(this.e, this.n);

rsa.privateKey.prototype = {
    encrypt: function(m) {
        return m.powm(this.d, this.publicKey.n);
    decrypt: function(c) {
        return c.powm(this.d, this.publicKey.n);

var keys = rsa.generateKeys(2048);

var pt = '{"a":"A","L":"GET ALL USERS","Po":{"ttp":"localhost:3000/ttp/allusers","b":"localhost:8000/server/allusers","Mhash":"6d2e5cc3a67ae82ae7edf6fb6054f977"}}';

console.log("Plaintext: " + pt);

var mensajeToBbignum = bignum.fromBuffer(new Buffer(pt));
var mensajeToBcrip = keys.publicKey.encrypt(mensajeToBbignum);
var ct = mensajeToBcrip.toBuffer().toString('base64');

console.log("Ciphertext: " + ct);

var recibidoBignum = bignum.fromBuffer(new Buffer(ct, "base64"));
var reqdecrip = keys.privateKey.decrypt(recibidoBignum);
console.log('Recovered plaintext: ' + reqdecrip.toBuffer().toString());

Runnable Demo