您如何安装或升级到 TortoiseSVN 的候选版本?
How do you install or upgrade to a release candidate of TortoiseSVN?
我以前从来没有理由使用 TortoiseSVN 的夜间构建或候选发布版本,但是在尝试创建补丁时,我得到了以下故障转储页面:https://drdump.com/UploadedReport.aspx?ProblemID=175094&DumpID=8037510
我想尝试提到的修复程序,但我真的不知道如何处理位于 https://nightlybuilds.tortoisesvn.net/1.9.x/x64/full/
的 DLL 和 ZIP 文件
来自web site
The 'Latest/' folder contains files which are built daily from the HEAD
revision of TSVN trunk code, which is useful for testing the latest changes.
These are not official released files, so any new features may not have
been extensively tested.
我认为上次构建成功但安装程序上传失败。您可能想在他们的 mailing list.
[exec] Uploading...
[exec] ERROR: SOAP 1.2 fault: SOAP-ENV:Sender[no subcode]
[exec] "HttpSendRequest failed"
[exec] Detail: The operation timed out
夜间构建因多种原因失败 (symbol server was down because of network and HDD issues and certificate had to be renewed)
每晚到这里参加 trunk builds and 1.9 builds。像安装普通版本一样安装 MSI。
我以前从来没有理由使用 TortoiseSVN 的夜间构建或候选发布版本,但是在尝试创建补丁时,我得到了以下故障转储页面:https://drdump.com/UploadedReport.aspx?ProblemID=175094&DumpID=8037510
我想尝试提到的修复程序,但我真的不知道如何处理位于 https://nightlybuilds.tortoisesvn.net/1.9.x/x64/full/
的 DLL 和 ZIP 文件来自web site
中的说明The 'Latest/' folder contains files which are built daily from the HEAD revision of TSVN trunk code, which is useful for testing the latest changes. These are not official released files, so any new features may not have been extensively tested.
我认为上次构建成功但安装程序上传失败。您可能想在他们的 mailing list.
中跟进 [exec] Uploading...
[exec] ERROR: SOAP 1.2 fault: SOAP-ENV:Sender[no subcode]
[exec] "HttpSendRequest failed"
[exec] Detail: The operation timed out
夜间构建因多种原因失败 (symbol server was down because of network and HDD issues and certificate had to be renewed)
每晚到这里参加 trunk builds and 1.9 builds。像安装普通版本一样安装 MSI。