Multi 和 Parallel Monte Carlo 因键错误而失败(在数据库名称上)

Multi and Parallel Monte Carlo fail with key error (on database name)

我正在尝试使用 Brightway 的 ParallelMonteCarloMultiMonteCarloclass 但 运行 进入了 KeyError。我在一个带有 LCI 数据库的 Brightway 项目中:

In  [1] bw.databases
Out [1] Brightway2 databases metadata with 2 objects:
           ecoinvent 3_2 CutOff

选择 activity 和方法:

In [2]  db = bw.Database('ecoinvent 3_2 CutOff')
        act = db.random()
        method = ('CML 2001', 'climate change', 'GWP 100a')


In [3]  ParallelMC_LCA = bw.ParallelMonteCarlo({act:1}, 
                                              method = myMethod,
        results = np.array(ParallelMC_LCA.calculate())

In [4]  act1 = db.random()
        act2 = db.random()
        multiMC_LCA = bw.MultiMonteCarlo(demands = [{act1:1}, {act2:1}],
                                        method = myMethod, 
                                        iterations = 10)
        results = np.array(ParallelMC_LCA.calculate())

都给我一个KeyError: 'ecoinvent 3_2 CutOff'


这是一个known issue due to differences in how multiprocessing works on Windows and Unix。具体来说,在 Windows 上,项目设置不正确,导致 KeyError。因此,这不是 Stack Overflow 问题。