我如何确认一个周期内所有可观察对象的执行 - (Angular 2)?

How can I to confirm the execution of all observables in a cycle - (Angular 2)?

在Angular 2中,如何确认"n"个"observables"已经完成:

  for (var i = 1; i <= this.quantity; i++) {
    description = this.prefix.trim() + ' ' + i.toString();
    point = new PointModel(description, 'A', this.locationModel.id);
      pointModel => {
        Materialize.toast('Se ha guardado el punto \"' + pointModel.description + '\"', 2000);
      error => {
        Materialize.toast('Se ha generado un error: \"' + error + '\"', 2000);



//create and fill points array
var points:PointModel[] = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= this.quantity; i++) {
  description = this.prefix.trim() + ' ' + i.toString();
  points.push(new PointModel(description, 'A', this.locationModel.id));

  pointModel => {
    Materialize.toast('Se ha guardado el punto \"' + pointModel.description + '\"', 2000);
  error => {
    Materialize.toast('Se ha generado un error: \"' + error + '\"', 2000);
  () => {
     Materialize.toast('All points have been created!', 2000);


  for (var i = 1; i <= this.quantity; i++) {
    description = this.prefix.trim() + ' ' + i.toString();
    points.push(new PointModel(description, 'A', this.locationModel.id));

  Observable.fromArray(points).flatMap( //'fromArray' is deprecated, instead use 'from'
    point => {
      return this.point.create(<PointModel>point); //the return was the key here...
    pointModel => {
      Materialize.toast('Se ha guardado el punto \"' + pointModel.description + '\"', 2000);
    error => {
      Materialize.toast('Se ha generado un error: \"' + error + '\"', 2000);
    () => {