程序在 psql delete 语句后卡住

program get stuck after psql delete statement

我的程序使用 ssh (ssh.net) 连接到主机,使用数据提供程序 npgsql 连接到 psql 数据库并删除具有给定 ID 的条目。

它按原样删除了条目,但程序在此之后至少卡住了 1 分钟。使用 using 语句,我认为在 sql 命令之后连接应该已经断开,但我也没有收到为什么需要这么长时间的错误。


SshClient client = new SshClient(host, username, password);

尝试 { //SSH连接 client.Connect(); 如果(client.IsConnected) { scrLog.Content += "SSH connection successfull"; scrLog.Content += Environment.NewLine; } 别的 { scrLog.Content += "SSH connection failed"; scrLog.Content += Environment.NewLine; }

//Portforwarding to Port 5432 (postgresql) var portFwdL = new ForwardedPortLocal(psqlBoundHost, psqlUPort, psqlHost, psqlUPort); client.AddForwardedPort(portFwdL); portFwdL.Start(); if (portFwdL.IsStarted) { scrLog.Content += "Portforwarding started"; scrLog.Content += Environment.NewLine; } else { scrLog.Content += "Portforwarding failed"; scrLog.Content += Environment.NewLine; } //Connection to Database with a Delete Command try { string connstring = String.Format("Server={0};Port={1};" + "User Id={2};Password={3};Database={4}", psqlBoundHost, psqlPort, sqluser, sqlpass, database); using (NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connstring)) { conn.Open(); string sql1 = "delete from tblTest where testId = '" + nr + "';"; //string sql2 = "\q"; NpgsqlCommand cmd1 = new NpgsqlCommand(sql1, conn); cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); scrLog.Content += sql1; scrLog.Content += Environment.NewLine; //NpgsqlCommand cmd2 = new NpgsqlCommand(sql2, conn); //cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); //scrLog.Content += sql2; //scrLog.Content += Environment.NewLine; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error with the psql-connection:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } client.Disconnect(); scrLog.Content += "SSH connection closed"; scrLog.Content += Environment.NewLine; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error with the ssh-connection:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); }





经过研究和测试不同的场景,我终于找到了超时。我需要禁用连接池,如果再次需要,连接在关闭后仍处于打开状态。 我只是用 Pooling=false.

string sqlpool = "false";
string sqlconn = String.Format("Server={0};Port={1};User Id={2};Password={3};Database={4};Pooling={5};",
                    sqlserver, sqlport, sqluserid, sqlpass, sqldatabase, sqlpool);