SSLStream 读取无效数据 + KB3147458 SSLStream 错误(?)

SSLStream reads invalid data + KB3147458 SSLStream bug (?)

当远程客户端未发送任何内容时,SSLStream 返回一些数据时遇到问题。当服务器正在侦听新命令时,我遇到了这个问题。 如果服务器没有收到新的请求,ReadMessage() 函数应该捕获一个 IOException,因为 SSLStream 的读取超时。问题发生在 sslStream.Read() 第二次执行时,它似乎读取了客户端未发送的 5 个字节。所以问题发生在这个序列中:

-> ReadMessage() -> sslstream.Read() -> 按预期捕获超时异常

-> ReadMessage() -> sslstream.Read() -> 未捕获超时异常,即使客户端未发送任何内容也读取了 5 个字节

-> ReadMessage() -> sslstream.Read() -> 按预期捕获超时异常

-> ReadMessage() -> sslstream.Read() -> 未捕获超时异常,即使客户端未发送任何内容也读取了 5 个字节...


    public void ClientHandle(object obj)
        nRetry = MAX_RETRIES;

        // Open connection with the client
        if (Open() == OPEN_SUCCESS)
            String request = ReadMessage();
            String response = null;

            // while loop for the incoming commands from client
            while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(request))
                Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}", RemoteIPAddress, request);

                response = Execute(request);

                // If QUIT was received, close the connection with the client
                if (response.Equals(QUIT_RESPONSE))
                    // Closing connection
                    Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}", RemoteIPAddress, response);

                    // Send QUIT_RESPONSE then return and close this thread

                // If another command was received, send the response to the client
                if (!response.StartsWith("TIMEOUT"))
                    // Reset nRetry
                    nRetry = MAX_RETRIES;

                    if (!SendMessage(response))
                        // Couldn't send message

                // Wait for new input request from client
                request = ReadMessage();

                // If nothing was received, SslStream timeout occurred
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(request))
                    request = "TIMEOUT";

                    if (nRetry == 0)
                        // Close everything
                        Console.WriteLine("Client is unreachable. Closing client connection.");


    public String ReadMessage()
        if (tcpClient != null)
            int bytes = -1;
            byte[] buffer = new byte[MESSAGE_SIZE];

                bytes = sslStream.Read(buffer, 0, MESSAGE_SIZE);
            catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                // Streams were disposed
                return String.Empty;
            catch (IOException)
                return String.Empty;
            catch (Exception)
                // Some other exception occured
                return String.Empty;

            if (bytes != MESSAGE_SIZE)
                return String.Empty;

            // Return string read from the stream
            return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer, 0, MESSAGE_SIZE).Replace("[=10=]", String.Empty);

        return String.Empty;

    public bool SendMessage(String message)
        if (tcpClient != null)
            byte[] data = CreateMessage(message);

                // Write command message to the stream and send it
                sslStream.Write(data, 0, MESSAGE_SIZE);
            catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                // Streamers were disposed
                return false;
            catch (IOException)
                // Error while trying to access streams or connection timedout
                return false;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;

            // Data sent successfully
            return true;

        return false;

   private byte[] CreateMessage(String message)
        byte[] data = new byte[MESSAGE_SIZE];

        byte[] messageBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(message);

        // Can't exceed MESSAGE_SIZE parameter (max message size in bytes)
        if (messageBytes.Length >= MESSAGE_SIZE)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("message", String.Format("Message string can't be longer than {0} bytes", MESSAGE_SIZE));

        for (int i = 0; i < messageBytes.Length; i++)
            data[i] = messageBytes[i];
        for (int i = messageBytes.Length; i < MESSAGE_SIZE; i++)
            data[i] = messageBytes[messageBytes.Length - 1];

        return data;

客户端也使用完全相同的 ReadMessage()、SendMessage() 和 CreateMessage() 函数向服务器发送消息。 MESSAGE_SIZE常数也是一样的,设置为2048。

问题是我在超时后重新使用了 SSLStream。所以我只是通过删除 nRetry 变量并设置更长的超时来解决问题。相关的 MSDN 文章说 SSLStream 将 return 在超时异常后产生垃圾 (

SslStream assumes that a timeout along with any other IOException when one is thrown from the inner stream will be treated as fatal by its caller. Reusing a SslStream instance after a timeout will return garbage. An application should Close the SslStream and throw an exception in these cases.

另一个问题是 Windows 更新 KB3147458(Windows 4 月 10 日的更新)更改了读取功能的行为。看起来 SSLStream 实现中的某些内容发生了变化,现在它 returns 数据分为 2 个部分,每次 1 个字节和其余字节。实际上 MSDN 文档并没有说 Read() 函数将一步 return 所有请求的字节,并且提供的示例使用 do-while 循环来读取确切的字节数。所以我想 Read() 函数不能保证一次读取所有请求的确切字节数,可能需要更多的读取迭代。

SSLstream 工作正常,因此没有损坏。您只需要注意并使用 do-while 循环并检查是否正确读取了所有字节。


    public String ReadMessage()
        if (tcpClient != null)
            int bytes = -1, offset = 0;
            byte[] buffer = new byte[MESSAGE_SIZE];

                // perform multiple read iterations 
                // and check the number of bytes received
                while (offset < MESSAGE_SIZE)
                    bytes = sslStream.Read(buffer, offset, MESSAGE_SIZE - offset);
                    offset += bytes;

                    if (bytes == 0)
                        return String.Empty;
            catch (Exception)
                // Some exception occured
                return String.Empty;

            if (offset != MESSAGE_SIZE)
                return String.Empty;

            // Return string read from the stream
            return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer, 0, MESSAGE_SIZE).Replace("[=10=]", String.Empty);

        return String.Empty;

关于 SslStream 在超时后在 Read() 上返回五个字节,这是因为 SslStream class 没有妥善处理来自底层流的任何 IOException,这已如前所述记录注意到了。

SslStream assumes that a timeout along with any other IOException when one is thrown from the inner stream will be treated as fatal by its caller. Reusing a SslStream instance after a timeout will return garbage. An application should Close the SslStream and throw an exception in these cases.

但是,您可以通过创建一个位于 Tcp NetworkStream 和 SslStream 之间的包装器 class 来解决这个问题,它可以捕获并抑制无害的超时异常,并且(看起来)不会丢失功能。


关于 Read() 方法在每个 Read() 上仅返回部分有效负载,您的回答已经正确解决了这个问题。虽然这是 SslStream 的 "recent" 行为,但不幸的是,这是所有网络的预期行为,所有代码都需要创建某种形式的缓冲区来存储片段,直到您拥有完整的数据包。例如,如果您的数据超过 1500 字节(大多数以太网适配器的最大数据包大小,假设以太网传输),您很可能会收到多个部分的数据并且必须自己重新组装。
