使用 realloc 时程序崩溃

program crashes while using realloc



int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    FILE *fp; // file pointer

    //defining a dynamic string array

    char **array = malloc(10 * sizeof(char *)); //10 rows for now, will be   dynamically changed later

    int i,size = 10, current = 0; // current points to the position of the next slot to be filled

    for(i=0; i<10; i++){
        array[i] = malloc(20); //the max word size will be 20 characters (char size = 1 byte)

    fillArray(fp, array, current, size);

    return 0;

我定义了一个字符串数组,一个显示其大小的变量,以及一个指向将添加下一个元素的槽的变量。 功能如下:

int fillArray(FILE *fp, char **p, int ptr, int size){

    puts("What's the name of the file (and format) to be accessed?\n (It has to be in the same directory as the program)");
    char str[20];
    gets(str);  //getting the answer
    fp = fopen((const char *)str, "r"); //opening file

    int x=0, i=0, j;

    while(x!=EOF){ // looping till we reach the end of the file
        printf("current size: %d , next slot: %d\n", size, ptr);
            printf("increasing size\n");
            addSpace(p, &size);
        x = fscanf(fp, "%19s", p[i]);


void addSpace(char **p, int *size){ //remember to pass &size
    //each time this is called, 10 more rows are added to the array
    p = realloc(p,*size + 10);
    int i;
    for(i=*size; i<(*size)+10; i++){
        p[i] = malloc(20);
    *size += 10;

void freeSpace(char **p, int ptr){
    //each time this is called, the rows are reduced so that they exactly fit the content
    p = realloc(p, ptr); //remember that ptr points to the position of the last occupied slot + 1



在使用 printf 找出程序崩溃的位置后(因为我还不习惯调试器),它似乎在尝试再添加 10 行(到 40)时崩溃了。我无法弄清楚问题或如何解决它。感谢任何帮助。

C是按值传递。指针 p 传递给 addSpace(p, &size);,并在函数中创建该指针的副本。更改副本后:p = realloc(p,*size + 10); 原件保持不变。

realloc 调用后,原来的指针不再有效。使用它会导致未定义的行为,在您的情况下会导致崩溃。


p = addSpace( p , &size );


您还传递了一个双指针,它是 reallocd,地址在调用者和被调用者之间发生了变化。

还有一个 realloc 问题。

p = realloc(p,*size + 10);

如果 realloc 失败,指向内存块的原始指针将被破坏。


char **tmp_ptr = realloc(p, *size + 10);
if (tmp_ptr == NULL){
   perror("Out of memory");
    p = tmp_ptr;
return p;


void addSpace(char ***p, int *size){ //remember to pass &size
    //each time this is called, 10 more rows are added to the array
    char **tmp_ptr = realloc(*p, *size + 10);
    if (tmp_ptr == NULL){
       perror("Out of memory");
        *p = tmp_ptr;
    int i;
    for(i=*size; i<(*size)+10; i++){
        *p[i] = malloc(20);
    *size += 10;


addSpace(&p, &size);