
Fitting a curve to a set of data with multiple different coefficients in matlab

我需要用一条直线拟合一组大约 100 个数据点,这组数据遵循 Pacejka 公式,如下所示:

Fy = Dy sin [Cy arctan {By x - Ey (By x - arctan (Byx))}] + Svy

其中 Dy、Cy、By、Ey 和 Svy 是要求解的系数。



x = SA;
y = Fy;
expr = 'D * sin(C * atan(B*x - E*(B* x - atan(B*x)))) + A';
ft = fittype(expr, 'independent', 'x');
opts = fitoptions('Method', 'NonlinearLeastSquares');
opts.StartPoint = ones(1,5);
[fitresult, gof] = fit(x, y, ft, opts)
plot(fitresult, x, y)



expr = 'D * sin(C * atan(B*x - E*(B* x - atan(B*x)))) + A';
ft = fittype(expr, 'independent', 'x');
opts = fitoptions('Method', 'NonlinearLeastSquares');
opts.StartPoint = ones(1,5);  % [A,B,C,D,E]
[fitresult, gof] = fit(x, y, ft, opts)
plot(fitresult, x, y)


基于Wikipedia article,这里有一个小例子:

% some data based on equation
B = 0.714;
C = 1.4;
D = 800;
E = -0.2;
f = @(x) D * sin(C * atan(B*(1-E)*x + E*atan(B*x)));
x = linspace(0,10,200)';  %'
y = f(x);

% add noise
yy = y + randn(size(x))*16;

% fit
%expr = 'D * sin(C * atan(B*(1-E)*x + E*atan(B*x)))';
expr = 'D * sin(C * atan(B*x - E*(B* x - atan(B*x))))';
ft = fittype(expr, 'independent', 'x', 'dependent','y');
opts = fitoptions('Method', 'NonlinearLeastSquares');
opts.StartPoint = [1 1 1000 1];  % [B C D E]
[fitresult, gof] = fit(x, y, ft, opts)

% plot
yhat = feval(fitresult, x);
h = plot(x,y,'b-', x,yhat,'r-', x,yy,'g.');
set(h, 'LineWidth',2)
legend({'y', 'yhat', 'y+noise'}, 'Location','SouthEast')
grid on


fitresult = 
     General model:
     fitresult(x) = D * sin(C * atan(B*x - E*(B* x - atan(B*x))))
     Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
       B =      0.5916  (0.5269, 0.6563)
       C =       1.899  (1.71, 2.089)
       D =       783.7  (770.5, 796.9)
       E =       1.172  (1.136, 1.207)
gof = 
           sse: 6.6568e+04
       rsquare: 0.9834
           dfe: 196
    adjrsquare: 0.9832
          rmse: 18.4291

请注意,使用像[1 1 1 1]这样的起点与真正的解决方案相去甚远,因此拟合将停止而不收敛(D参数的比例与其他参数[=15非常不同=]、CE)... 相反,我不得不从更近的地方开始 [1 1 1000 1]