组件 - 子组件关系还是泛化关系?在组件图 UML 中

Component - Subcomponent Relationship or Generalization Relationship? in Component Diagram UML

我对组件 - 子组件关系感到困惑,并且 组件之间的泛化关系。

我们何时需要将两个组件作为组件 - 子组件关系提及,何时将它们作为泛化关系提及。

在Component Diagrams中,Generalization关系(图A)可以一直被称为Component-Subcomponent关系(图B)吗? (可以理解,inverse为假)



  • B中的符号用来表示component realization关系


    11.6.3 Structured Classifiers → Components → Semantics

    ...A Component may be realized (or implemented) by a number of Classifiers. In that case, a Component owns a set of ComponentRealizations to these Classifiers.

    A component acts like a Package for all model elements that are involved in or related to its definition, which should be either owned or imported explicitly. Typically the Classifiers that realize a Component are owned by it...

  • 您可以像使用任何其他 class 一样使用 generalization relationship (figure A) between components as usual because component is an UML classifier
