D3 滚动地图更新 d3.geo.circle,但不更新弧线

D3 Rolling map updates d3.geo.circle, but not arcs

我在 http://bl.ocks.org/patricksurry/6621971 的顶部 构建了一个可视化



当我检查 chrome 中的元素时,我发现圆弧路径的属性 'd' 消失了,但是对于圆形路径,它得到了适当的更新。


更新 1:因为这个问题似乎很难重现,而且 jsfiddle 不允许上传地理数据文件,我在这里发布源代码:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

    svg {
        background-color: lavender;
        border: 1px solid black;

    path {
        fill: oldlace;
        stroke: #666;
        stroke-width: .5px;

    path.circle {
        fill: red;
        stroke: #666;
        stroke-width: .5px;

    path.arc1 {
        fill: green;

<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://d3js.org/topojson.v1.min.js"></script>

    var width = 1600,
            height = 400,
            rotate = 60,        // so that [-60, 0] becomes initial center of projection
            maxlat = 83;        // clip northern and southern poles (infinite in mercator)

    var projection = d3.geo.mercator()
            .scale(1)           // we'll scale up to match viewport shortly.
            .translate([width/2, height/2]);

    // find the top left and bottom right of current projection
    function mercatorBounds(projection, maxlat) {
        var yaw = projection.rotate()[0],
                xymax = projection([-yaw+180-1e-6,-maxlat]),
                xymin = projection([-yaw-180+1e-6, maxlat]);
        return [xymin,xymax];

    // set up the scale extent and initial scale for the projection
    var b = mercatorBounds(projection, maxlat),
            s = width/(b[1][0]-b[0][0]),
            scaleExtent = [s, 10*s];


    var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
            .translate([0,0])               // not linked directly to projection
            .on("zoom", redraw);

    var path = d3.geo.path()

    var svg = d3.selectAll('body')
            .attr('id', 'svg')

    d3.json("js/data/world-110m2.json", function ready(error, world) {

        // adding geo paths
                .data(topojson.feature(world, world.objects.countries).features)

        // adding a circle
                .datum(d3.geo.circle().angle(2).origin([-10, 0]))
                .attr("d", path)
                .attr("class", "circle");


        // adding a pie arc
        var r = 10;
        var p = Math.PI * 2;
        var arc1 = d3.svg.arc()
                .innerRadius(r - 5)

        var arcData = JSON.parse('[{ "lon" : "0", "lat":"0", "endAngle":"6.4" }]');
        var arcs1 = svg.selectAll("path.arc1");
        arcs1 = arcs1.data(arcData)
                .attr("class", "arc1")
                .attr("fill", "green")
                .attr("transform", function(d, i) {     return "translate(" + projection([d.lon, d.lat])[0] + ", " + projection([d.lon, d.lat])[1] + ")"; })
                .attr("d", arc1);


    // track last translation and scale event we processed
    var tlast = [0,0],
            slast = null;

    function redraw() {
        if (d3.event) {
            var scale = d3.event.scale,
                    t = d3.event.translate;

            console.log(d3.event.scale + " [" +d3.event.translate + "]");

            // if scaling changes, ignore translation (otherwise touch zooms are weird)
            if (scale != slast) {
            } else {
                var dx = t[0]-tlast[0],
                        dy = t[1]-tlast[1],
                        yaw = projection.rotate()[0],
                        tp = projection.translate();

                // use x translation to rotate based on current scale
                projection.rotate([yaw+360.*dx/width*scaleExtent[0]/scale, 0, 0]);
                // use y translation to translate projection, clamped by min/max
                var b = mercatorBounds(projection, maxlat);
                if (b[0][1] + dy > 0) dy = -b[0][1];
                else if (b[1][1] + dy < height) dy = height-b[1][1];
            // save last values.  resetting zoom.translate() and scale() would
            // seem equivalent but doesn't seem to work reliably?
            slast = scale;
            tlast = t;

        svg.selectAll('path').attr('d', path);


我终于弄清楚出了什么问题。我应该对 arc 元素应用转换。所以基本上,在我做的 redraw() 方法中:

var scaleRatio = 1;
function redraw() {

    if (d3.event) {
        var scale = d3.event.scale,
                t = d3.event.translate;

        //console.log(d3.event.scale + " [" +d3.event.translate + "]");

        // if scaling changes, ignore translation (otherwise touch zooms are weird)
        if (scale != slast) {
        } else {
            var dx = t[0]-tlast[0],
                    dy = t[1]-tlast[1],
                    yaw = projection.rotate()[0],
                    tp = projection.translate();

            // use x translation to rotate based on current scale
            projection.rotate([yaw+360.*dx/width*scaleExtent[0]/scale, 0, 0]);
            // use y translation to translate projection, clamped by min/max
            var b = mercatorBounds(projection, maxlat);
            if (b[0][1] + dy > 0) dy = -b[0][1];
            else if (b[1][1] + dy < height) dy = height-b[1][1];
        // save last values.  resetting zoom.translate() and scale() would
        // seem equivalent but doesn't seem to work reliably?
            scaleRatio = scaleRatio * (scale/slast);
        console.log(slast+'-' + scaleRatio);
        slast = scale;
        tlast = t;

    svg.selectAll('path').attr('d', path);
        .attr("transform", function(d, i) {     return "translate(" + projection([d.lon, d.lat])[0] + ", " + projection([d.lon, d.lat])[1] + ")scale(" + scaleRatio + ")" })
        .attr("d", arc1);


但是,关于为什么 svg.path 元素需要显式重新投影,这与 d3.geo.path 元素不同,我仍然存在知识空白。希望有人能帮助我。