
How frequently the Traffic Manager monitors endpoints

流量管理器监控端点的频率如何?很明显,它不是事件驱动的(根据我的观察,当端点关闭时,最多需要 30 秒 - 2.5 分钟来确定端点的状态)。我们可以配置这个频率吗,我看不到任何配置。

Traffic Manager Monitoring interval 和 TTL 之间有关系吗?

这可能看起来像一个一般性问题,但我真正的问题是我在故障转移场景(主要故障转移)中遇到服务停机。我了解 TTL 中的效果,在客户端 DNS 缓存过期之前,他们正在调用缓存的端点。我在这上面花了很多时间,现在我把它缩小到一个特定的问题。

问题是流量管理器在停止或启动后识别终结点状态存在延迟。我需要一个合乎逻辑的解释,找不到任何解释这个的 Azure 参考。




Traffic Manager Monitoring

The monitoring system performs a GET, but does not receive a response in 10 seconds or less. It then performs three more tries at 30 second intervals. This means that at most, it takes approximately 1.5 minutes for the monitoring system to detect when a service becomes unavailable. If one of the tries is successful, then the number of tries is reset. Although not shown in the diagram, if the 200 OK message(s) come back more than 10 seconds after the GET, the monitoring system will still count this as a failed check.

这解释了 30-2 分钟的延迟。

基本上最大延迟为1.5分钟+ TTL,具体请参考。