使用 rails 更新由复合键标识的对象

Update object identified by composite key with rails

我实际上有一个 table 组件。每个组件都有一个特定的版本,就像上面描述的那样(还有其他属性,如名称、component_type_id、...):

编号 | version_id


167 | 1

167 | 96

167 | 97

167 | 98

167 | 99

166 | 1

166 | 92


如果我想更新组件的版本 99 #167 =>

当我使用 rails 时:

Component.where(id: 167, version_id: 99).first.update({"component_type_id"=>"5", "name"=>"CCC"})

Rails 这样做:

SELECT  "components".* FROM "components" WHERE "components"."id" =  AND "components"."version_id" =   ORDER BY "components"."id" ASC LIMIT 1  [["id", 167], ["version_id", 99]]

UPDATE "components" SET "name" = , "updated_at" =  WHERE "components"."id" = 167  [["name", "CCC"], ["updated_at", "2016-04-19 08:05:09.049345"]]


UPDATE "components" SET "name" = , "updated_at" =  WHERE "components"."id" = 167 AND  version_id = 99 [["name", "CCC"], ["updated_at", "2016-04-19 08:05:09.049345"]]

感谢帮助我 干杯

由于这些只是具有给定 ID 和版本的一条记录,尝试:

Component.where(id: 167, version_id: 99).update_all(component_type_id: 5, name: "CCC")
