如何使用 Stax 解析器读取相同的 xml 标签

How to read the same xml tag using Stax parser



Pricetypecode  : 01
PriceAmount  : 29.95
Currencycode  : INR

Pricetypecode : 08
Price Amount  : 14.32
Currencycode  : INR


import com.main.Query.Query;
import com.main.Bean.PriceDetail;
import com.main.Bean.SpecificationBook;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.stream.events.EndElement;
import javax.xml.stream.events.StartElement;
import javax.xml.stream.events.XMLEvent;

public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, XMLStreamException, FileNotFoundException, SQLException {
String fileName = "D:\SOFTWARE\txt20160401.xml";
List<SpecificationBook> bookspec = (List<SpecificationBook>) parseXML(fileName);
for(SpecificationBook bean : bookspec){
System.out.println("The Price type code 08="+bean.priceTypeCode);
      System.out.println("The price amount 08 is:"+bean.priceAmount);
      System.out.println("The Currency Code 08 is:"+bean.currencyCode);
      System.out.println("The price typecodechar 01 is:"+bean.priceTypeCodeChar);
      System.out.println("The price amount 01 is:"+bean.priceAmount2);
      System.out.println("The Currency code 01 is:"+bean.currencyCode1);
private static List<SpecificationBook> parseXML(String fileName) throws ClassNotFoundException, XMLStreamException {
    List<SpecificationBook> empList = new ArrayList<>();
    SpecificationBook emp = null;

    XMLInputFactory xmlInputFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
    xmlInputFactory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_COALESCING, true);
    try {
        XMLEventReader xmlEventReader = xmlInputFactory.createXMLEventReader(new FileInputStream(fileName));

            XMLEvent xmlEvent = xmlEventReader.nextEvent();
           if (xmlEvent.isStartElement()){
               StartElement startElement = xmlEvent.asStartElement();

                   emp = new SpecificationBook();
else if(startElement.getName().getLocalPart().equals("PriceTypeCode")){
                   xmlEvent = xmlEventReader.nextEvent();

xmlEvent = xmlEventReader.nextEvent();
else if(startElement.getName().getLocalPart().equals("CurrencyCode")){
xmlEvent = xmlEventReader.nextEvent();
               EndElement endElement = xmlEvent.asEndElement();


 } catch (FileNotFoundException | XMLStreamException e) {
     return empList;

我的 Pojo class。 SpecificationBook.java

  public class SpecificationBook {

@Getter @Setter public String recordReference;
@Getter @Setter public String titleText;
@Getter @Setter public String imprintName;
@Getter @Setter public String publisherName;
@Getter @Setter public String illustrationDesc;
@Getter @Setter public String noofPages;
@Getter @Setter public String priceTypeCode;
@Getter @Setter public int book_id;   
@Getter @Setter public String editionversionnumber;
@Getter @Setter public String recordreference1;
@Getter @Setter public String recordreference2;
@Getter @Setter public String recordreference3  ;
@Getter @Setter public String priceTypeCodeChar;
@Getter @Setter public String priceAmount;
@Getter @Setter public String priceAmount2;
@Getter @Setter public String currencyCode;
@Getter @Setter public String currencyCode1;

我试图从供应详情 <price> 标签值中获取值。而 运行 这段代码。我只从第二个 <SupplyDetail> 标签值中得到值。

虽然 运行 这段代码在我的机器中得到了输出

The Price type code 08=08
The price amount 08 is:14.83
The Currency Code 08 is:INR 
The price typecodechar 01 is:null
The price amount 01 is:null
The Currency code 01 is:null

您永远不会调用 priceTypeCodeCharpriceAmount2currencyCode1 的设置器 - 因此它们将始终打印 null.

此外,SpecificationBook 是为每个 Product 标签创建的,并在您遇到 Product 的关闭标签时添加到结果列表中。这样,每个新 Price.


解决此问题的最简单方法是更改​​ SpecificationBook class,删除 Price 特定字段并添加 Price 对象列表。

class SpecificationBook {
    // other fields
    List<Price> prices;

其中 Price class 看起来像

class Price {
    String priceAmount;
    String priceTypeCode;
    String currencyCode;

然后您可以检查 Price 的开始标签,添加详细信息,当您遇到 Price 结束标签时,将其添加到 SpecificationBookprices.