为什么我不能使用 AWS 的新 st1/sc1 EBS 卷作为根卷

Why can't I use the new st1/sc1 EBS volumes by AWS as root volumes

AWS 最近推出了 sc1 和 st1 HDD EBS 卷类型,我似乎无法在启动新的 EC2 实例或从已创建的 AMI 启动(都尝试过)时将它们用作根卷。

我选择了一台m4机器,无论如何,根卷本身就是EBS,下面是截图,我添加的第二个卷有新的选项,但是我不能选择第一个。这是 AWS 人员设计的吗?

如果你从 http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSVolumeTypes.html

在主 table 下,卷类型为 Throughput Optimized HDD (st1)Cold HDD (sc1) 它说

Cannot be a boot volume


Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) volumes provide low-cost magnetic storage that defines performance in terms of throughput rather than IOPS. This volume type is a good fit for large, sequential workloads such as Amazon EMR, ETL, data warehouses, and log processing. Bootable st1 volumes are not supported.

Cold HDD (sc1) volumes provide low-cost magnetic storage that defines performance in terms of throughput rather than IOPS. With a lower throughput limit than st1, sc1 is a good fit ideal for large, sequential cold-data workloads. If you require infrequent access to your data and are looking to save costs, sc1 provides inexpensive block storage. Bootable sc1 volumes are not supported.

因为客户体验会很糟糕。引导卷使用小的、随机的I/O;这些卷不是为小 I/O 设计的。只需将 GP2 用于启动卷。