NATVIS 是否可以递归元组(可变参数模板)?

Is it possible to NATVIS a recursive tuple (variadic template)?



<Type Name="tuple">

<Type Name="tuple&lt;*&gt;">

如何获取多个类型的 _Myfirst 值,以获得

<Type Name="tuple&lt;*,*&gt;">
  <DisplayString>({_Myfirst}, {???})</DisplayString>

<Type Name="tuple&lt;*,*,*&gt;">
  <DisplayString>({_Myfirst}, {???}, {???})</DisplayString>


您必须稍微修改类型才能使其正常工作。需要的是 base_type 类型定义。

// tuple 
template<class... _Types> class tuple;

// empty tuple
template<> class tuple<> {};

// recursive tuple definition
template<class _This,
class... _Rest>
class tuple<_This, _Rest...>
    : private tuple<_Rest...>
    typedef tuple<_Rest...> base_type; // ***** Added this line

    _This _Myfirst;

现在我们可以使用 natvis 声明递归地计算基类型:

<!-- Handle empty tuples -->
<Type Name="tuple&lt;&gt;">

<!-- Handle a single parameter (this is also our terminator for recursion) -->
<Type Name="tuple&lt;*&gt;">
    <DisplayString IncludeView="noparens">{_Myfirst}</DisplayString>
    <DisplayString ExcludeView="noparens">({_Myfirst})</DisplayString>
        <Item Name="Value">_Myfirst</Item>

<!-- Handle 2 or more items -->
<Type Name="tuple&lt;*,*&gt;">
    <!-- show the first item and then recurse by casting this to 'base_type' -->
    <DisplayString IncludeView="noparens">{_Myfirst}, {*(base_type *)this,view(noparens)}</DisplayString>
    <!-- Wrap our display string that doesn't a have any parentheses, this will be only done for the top level tuple -->
    <DisplayString ExcludeView="noparens">({*this,view(noparens)})</DisplayString>
        <!-- Show the top level item -->
        <Item Name="Value">_Myfirst</Item>
        <!-- Recursively expand our base types -->
        <ExpandedItem>*(base_type *)this</ExpandedItem>
