使用带有数组作为 IN 参数的 SimpleJdbcCall (DB2)

Using SimpleJdbcCall with Array as IN parameter (DB2)

我创建了一个将 ROW 类型的数组作为 IN 参数的存储过程,并且能够使用 JDBC (Java 1.6) 调用它 代码如下

//Create Array Product List
Struct[] productList = new Struct[1];
Object[] customObject = new Object[]{"Fruits"};
productList[0] = con.createStruct("ProductRow", customObject);

// Create product Response List 
Struct[] responseList = new Struct[1];
customObject = new Object[]{new Integer(1), new Integer(2)};
responseList[0] = con.createStruct("ResponseRow", customObject);

Array products = con.createArrayOf("ProductRow", productList);
Array responses = con.createArrayOf("ResponseRow", responseList);       

// Prepare the call statement 
CallableStatement callStmt = con.prepareCall("CALL SP_create(?, ?)"); 

// Set IN parameters 
callStmt.setArray(1, products); 
callStmt.setArray(2, responses); 

// Call the procedure 

知道如何使用 SimpleJdbcCall 做同样的事情吗? 我正在使用 Spring 2.5 和 DB2 9.7 版本


Map<String, Object> in = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        in.put("products", new AbstractSqlTypeValue() {
            protected Object createTypeValue(Connection con, int type, String typeName) throws SQLException {
                Struct[] productList = new Struct[1];
                Object[] customObject = new Object[]{"Vegetables"};
                productList[0] = con.createStruct("ProductRow", customObject);

                Array products = con.createArrayOf("ProductRow", productList);
                return products;