
Winforms print multi-page document

我试图在我的 PrintDocumen 的打印页面事件中将每页的记录数限制为 20:

private void pd_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
            leftMargin = (int)e.MarginBounds.Left;
            rightMargin = (int)e.MarginBounds.Right;
            topMargin = (int)e.MarginBounds.Top;
            bottomMargin = (int)e.MarginBounds.Bottom;
            InvoiceWidth = (int)e.MarginBounds.Width;
            InvoiceHeight = (int)e.MarginBounds.Height;

            SetInvoiceHeader(e.Graphics); // Draw Invoice Head
            SetOrderData(e.Graphics); // Draw Order Data
            SetInvoiceData(e.Graphics, e); // Draw Invoice Data

我调用的方法 SetInvoiceData(e.Graphics, e) 具有以下循环遍历 BindingSource bsOrderDetail 的代码:

foreach (DataRowView row in bsOrderDetail)

                string FieldValue = row[1].ToString();
                g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvSubTitleFont, BlackBrush, xProductID, CurrentY);
                FieldValue = row[2].ToString();
                if (FieldValue.Length > 20)
                    FieldValue = FieldValue.Remove(20, FieldValue.Length - 20);
                g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvSubTitleFont, BlackBrush, xProductName, CurrentY);

                FieldValue = row[3].ToString();
                g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvSubTitleFont, BlackBrush, xQuantity, CurrentY);
                FieldValue = row[4].ToString();
                g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvSubTitleFont, BlackBrush, xUOM, CurrentY);
                FieldValue = row[5].ToString();
                g.DrawString(FieldValue, InvSubTitleFont, BlackBrush, xUnitPrice, CurrentY);

                CurrentY = CurrentY + 24;

                if (CurrentRecord > RecordsPerPage)
                    CurrentRecord = 1;
                    e.HasMorePages = true;
                    e.HasMorePages = false;

然而,新页面永远不会被创建,它会将记录绘制到当前页面的末尾,忽略页面的底部边距并停止。当我通过调试器 运行 它时,我可以看到它调用 e.HasMorePages = true; 语句,但正如我所说,没有新页面被添加到文档中。请指教

查看 this 页面以获取工作示例。在那里你可以看到你需要设置 HasMore 页面:

// Define the Printpage event of the printdocument
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
  // Declare one variable for height measurement:
  float currentY = 10; 

  // This will print one heading in every page:
  e.Graphics.DrawString("PageHeader", DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, 10, currentY); 
  currentY += 15;

  while(totalnumber <= 50) // Check the number of items
    // Print each item:
    e.Graphics.DrawString(totalnumber.ToString(),DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, 50,currentY); 
    currentY += 20; // Set a gap between every item
    totalnumber += 1;

    // Check whether  the number of item(per page) is more than 20 or not:
    if (itemperpage < 20) 
      itemperpage += 1;
      // Set the HasMorePages property to false, so that no other page will not be added
      e.HasMorePages = false; 
    else // If the number of item (per page) is more than 20 then add one page
      itemperpage = 0;
      // e.HasMorePages raised the PrintPage event once per page
      e.HasMorePages = true;
      // It will call PrintPage event again