Appveyor Xamarin:组件导致 CI 服务器失败

Appveyor Xamarin: Components cause CI server to fail

我向我的 xamarin android 项目添加了一个组件。 现在,当我的项目在 appveyor 中运行时,它失败了:

$zipPath = "$($env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)\"
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', $zipPath)
7z x $zipPath | Out-Null
Command exited with code 2


退出代码 2:

Unrecognized command.

它没有为您的 unzip/extract 步骤找到 7z 命令。

尝试 get-7zip.ps1 如果您还没有:

Write-Host "Installing 7-Zip ..."
$instPath = "$env:ProgramFiles-Zipz.exe"
if (!(Test-Path $instPath))
    Write-Host "Determining download URL ..."
    $web = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
    $page = $web.DownloadString("")

    bit = ''

    if ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -match '64')
        bit = 'x64'

    $pattern = "(http://.*?${64bit}\.msi)"
    $url = $page | Select-String -Pattern $pattern | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches -First 1 | foreach { $_.Value }

    $file = "$env:TEMPz.msi"
    if (Test-Path $file)
        rm $file | Out-Null

    Write-Host "Downloading $url -> $file"

    $web.DownloadFile($url, $file)

    Write-Host "Installing..."
    Write-Host "(Note: please approve the User Account Control (UAC) popup if necessary...)"

    $cmd = "$file /passive"

    Invoke-Expression $cmd | Out-Null

    while (!(Test-Path $instPath))
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 10

    Write-Host "Done!"
    Write-Host "7-Zip already installed."