hibernate 如何生成外键约束名称?

How does hibernate generate foreign key constraint names?


如果我没有定义名称,hibernate 会生成类似这样的东西

CONSTRAINT fk_2ocepcfwpr1v18dg1ieoe6bau

这个名字是怎么产生的?也许来自 MD5 字段名称的散列或类似的东西?我需要知道名称是否在所有实例上都相同。

Hibernate 通过连接 table 和属性名称生成约束名称,并将结果转换为 MD5。它是必需的,因为某些数据库中的约束名称长度限制。例如,在 Oracle 数据库中,外键名称长度不能超过 30 个符号长度。

此代码片段来自 Hibernate 源代码org.hibernate.mapping.Constraint

 * If a constraint is not explicitly named, this is called to generate
 * a unique hash using the table and column names.
 * Static so the name can be generated prior to creating the Constraint.
 * They're cached, keyed by name, in multiple locations.
 * @return String The generated name
public static String generateName(String prefix, Table table, Column... columns) {
    // Use a concatenation that guarantees uniqueness, even if identical names
    // exist between all table and column identifiers.

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "table`" + table.getName() + "`" );

    // Ensure a consistent ordering of columns, regardless of the order
    // they were bound.
    // Clone the list, as sometimes a set of order-dependent Column
    // bindings are given.
    Column[] alphabeticalColumns = columns.clone();
    Arrays.sort( alphabeticalColumns, ColumnComparator.INSTANCE );
    for ( Column column : alphabeticalColumns ) {
        String columnName = column == null ? "" : column.getName();
        sb.append( "column`" ).append( columnName ).append( "`" );
    return prefix + hashedName( sb.toString() );

 * Hash a constraint name using MD5. Convert the MD5 digest to base 35
 * (full alphanumeric), guaranteeing
 * that the length of the name will always be smaller than the 30
 * character identifier restriction enforced by a few dialects.
 * @param s
 *            The name to be hashed.
 * @return String The hased name.
public static String hashedName(String s) {
    try {
        MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance( "MD5" );
        md.update( s.getBytes() );
        byte[] digest = md.digest();
        BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger( 1, digest );
        // By converting to base 35 (full alphanumeric), we guarantee
        // that the length of the name will always be smaller than the 30
        // character identifier restriction enforced by a few dialects.
        return bigInt.toString( 35 );
    catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e ) {
        throw new HibernateException( "Unable to generate a hashed Constraint name!", e );

您可以使用 ImplicitNamingStrategy 生成您自己的约束名称(唯一和外键)。你可以参考Hibernate5NamingStrategy ,作为例子。