Java 中的通用 Fluent Builder

Generic fluent Builder in Java



public static class SomeObject<T, S> {
    public int number;
    public T singleGeneric;
    public List<S> listGeneric;

    public SomeObject(int number, T singleGeneric, List<S> listGeneric) {
        this.number = number;
        this.singleGeneric = singleGeneric;
        this.listGeneric = listGeneric;

我想用流利的 Builder 语法构建它。不过,我想让它优雅。我希望它能像那样工作:

SomeObject<String, Integer> works = new Builder() // not generic yet!

    // and only here we get "lifted"; 
    // since now it's set on the Integer type for the list
    .withList(new ArrayList<Integer>()) 

    // and the decision to go with String type for the single value
    // is made here:

    // we've gathered all the type info along the way

没有不安全的转换警告,也不需要预先指定泛型类型(在顶部,构造 Builder 的地方)。

相反,我们让类型信息显式流入,在链中进一步向下 - 连同 withListwithTyped 调用。


我知道最常见的技巧,例如 recursive generics 的使用,但我玩了一会儿,无法弄清楚它如何应用于这个用例。

下面是一个普通的冗长解决方案,它在满足所有要求的意义上起作用,但代价是非常冗长 - 它引入了四个构建器(在继承方面不相关),代表 [=16= 的四种可能组合] 和 S 类型是否被定义。


public static class Builder  {
    private int number;

    public Builder withNumber(int number) {
        this.number = number;
        return this;

    public <T> TypedBuilder<T> withTyped(T t) {
        return new TypedBuilder<T>()

    public <S> TypedListBuilder<S> withList(List<S> list) {
        return new TypedListBuilder<S>()

public static class TypedListBuilder<S> {
    private int number;
    private List<S> list;

    public TypedListBuilder<S> withList(List<S> list) {
        this.list = list;
        return this;

    public <T> TypedBothBuilder<T, S> withTyped(T t) {
        return new TypedBothBuilder<T, S>()

    public TypedListBuilder<S> withNumber(int number) {
        this.number = number;
        return this;

public static class TypedBothBuilder<T, S> {
    private int number;
    private List<S> list;
    private T typed;

    public TypedBothBuilder<T, S> withList(List<S> list) {
        this.list = list;
        return this;

    public TypedBothBuilder<T, S> withTyped(T t) {
        this.typed = t;
        return this;

    public TypedBothBuilder<T, S> withNumber(int number) {
        this.number = number;
        return this;

    public SomeObject<T, S> create() {
        return new SomeObject<>(number, typed, list);

public static class TypedBuilder<T> {
    private int number;
    private T typed;

    private Builder builder = new Builder();

    public TypedBuilder<T> withNumber(int value) {
        this.number = value;
        return this;

    public TypedBuilder<T> withTyped(T t) {
        typed = t;
        return this;

    public <S> TypedBothBuilder<T, S> withList(List<S> list) {
        return new TypedBothBuilder<T, S>()



不幸的是,因为我们混合了泛型和非泛型方法,所以我们必须重新声明很多方法。我 认为 没有解决这个问题的好方法。

基本思想就是:在接口上定义每个步骤,然后在私有 class 上实现它们。我们可以通过继承原始类型来使用通用接口来做到这一点。它很丑,但它有效。

public interface NumberStep {
    NumberStep withNumber(int number);
public interface NeitherDoneStep extends NumberStep {
    @Override NeitherDoneStep withNumber(int number);
    <T> TypeDoneStep<T> withTyped(T type);
    <S> ListDoneStep<S> withList(List<S> list);
public interface TypeDoneStep<T> extends NumberStep {
    @Override TypeDoneStep<T> withNumber(int number);
    TypeDoneStep<T> withTyped(T type);
    <S> BothDoneStep<T, S> withList(List<S> list);
public interface ListDoneStep<S> extends NumberStep {
    @Override ListDoneStep<S> withNumber(int number);
    <T> BothDoneStep<T, S> withTyped(T type);
    ListDoneStep<S> withList(List<S> list);
public interface BothDoneStep<T, S> extends NumberStep {
    @Override BothDoneStep<T, S> withNumber(int number);
    BothDoneStep<T, S> withTyped(T type);
    BothDoneStep<T, S> withList(List<S> list);
    SomeObject<T, S> create();
private static final class BuilderImpl implements NeitherDoneStep, TypeDoneStep, ListDoneStep, BothDoneStep {
    private final int number;
    private final Object typed;
    private final List list;

    private BuilderImpl(int number, Object typed, List list) {
        this.number = number;
        this.typed  = typed;
        this.list   = list;

    public BuilderImpl withNumber(int number) {
        return new BuilderImpl(number, this.typed, this.list);

    public BuilderImpl withTyped(Object typed) {
        // we could return 'this' at the risk of heap pollution
        return new BuilderImpl(this.number, typed, this.list);

    public BuilderImpl withList(List list) {
        // we could return 'this' at the risk of heap pollution
        return new BuilderImpl(this.number, this.typed, list);

    public SomeObject create() {
        return new SomeObject(number, typed, list);

// static factory
public static NeitherDoneStep builder() {
    return new BuilderImpl(0, null, null);

由于我们不希望人们访问丑陋的实现,我们将其设为私有并让每个人都通过 static 方法。


SomeObject<String, Integer> works =
        .withList(new ArrayList<Integer>())

// we could return 'this' at the risk of heap pollution


NeitherDoneStep step = SomeObject.builder();
BothDoneStep<String, Integer> both =
// setting 'typed' to an Integer when
// we already set it to a String
SomeObject<String, Integer> oops = both.create();

如果我们不创建副本,我们现在会有 123 伪装成 String


虽然我们不需要为 withNumber 制作副本,但我只是进行了额外的步骤并使构建器不可变。我们正在创建比我们必须创建的更多的对象,但实际上并没有另一个好的解决方案。如果每个人都打算以正确的方式使用构建器,那么我们可以使它可变并且 return this.

由于我们对新颖的通用解决方案感兴趣,这里是单个 class.


这里的区别在于,如果我们再次调用 typedlist 中的任何一个,我们不会保留它们的类型。这本身并不是真正的缺点,我猜只是不同而已。这意味着我们可以这样做:

SomeObject<Long, String> =
        .withType( new Integer(1) )
        .withList( Arrays.asList("abc","def") )
        .withType( new Long(1L) ) // <-- changing T here
public static class OneBuilder<T, S> {
    private final int number;
    private final T typed;
    private final List<S> list;

    private OneBuilder(int number, T typed, List<S> list) {
        this.number = number;
        this.typed  = typed;
        this.list   = list;

    public OneBuilder<T, S> withNumber(int number) {
        return new OneBuilder<T, S>(number, this.typed, this.list);

    public <TR> OneBuilder<TR, S> withTyped(TR typed) {
        // we could return 'this' at the risk of heap pollution
        return new OneBuilder<TR, S>(this.number, typed, this.list);

    public <SR> OneBuilder<T, SR> withList(List<SR> list) {
        // we could return 'this' at the risk of heap pollution
        return new OneBuilder<T, SR>(this.number, this.typed, list);

    public SomeObject<T, S> create() {
        return new SomeObject<T, S>(number, typed, list);

// As a side note,
// we could return e.g. <?, ?> here if we wanted to restrict
// the return type of create() in the case that somebody
// calls it immediately.
// The type arguments we specify here are just whatever
// we want create() to return before withTyped(...) and
// withList(...) are each called at least once.
public static OneBuilder<Object, Object> builder() {
    return new OneBuilder<Object, Object>(0, null, null);


现在我们真正 小说了。这里的想法是,我们可以 "disable" 通过导致捕获转换错误的每个方法。


  • 每个方法都以某种方式依赖于在 class 上声明的类型变量。
  • "Disable" 该方法通过其 return 类型将该类型变量设置为 ?.
  • 如果我们尝试对该 return 值调用该方法,这会导致捕获转换错误。

这个例子和前面例子的区别在于,如果我们再次尝试调用 setter,我们会得到一个编译器错误:

SomeObject<Long, String> =
        .withType( new Integer(1) )
        .withList( Arrays.asList("abc","def") )
        .withType( new Long(1L) ) // <-- compiler error here

因此,我们只能调用每个 setter 一次。


  • 由于合法原因
  • 无法第二次调用setters
  • 可以null文字第二次调用setters。


public static class OneBuilder<T, S, TCAP, SCAP> {
    private final int number;
    private final T typed;
    private final List<S> list;

    private OneBuilder(int number, T typed, List<S> list) {
        this.number = number;
        this.typed  = typed;
        this.list   = list;

    public OneBuilder<T, S, TCAP, SCAP> withNumber(int number) {
        return new OneBuilder<T, S, TCAP, SCAP>(number, this.typed, this.list);

    public <TR extends TCAP> OneBuilder<TR, S, ?, SCAP> withTyped(TR typed) {
        // we could return 'this' at the risk of heap pollution
        return new OneBuilder<TR, S, TCAP, SCAP>(this.number, typed, this.list);

    public <SR extends SCAP> OneBuilder<T, SR, TCAP, ?> withList(List<SR> list) {
        // we could return 'this' at the risk of heap pollution
        return new OneBuilder<T, SR, TCAP, SCAP>(this.number, this.typed, list);

    public SomeObject<T, S> create() {
        return new SomeObject<T, S>(number, typed, list);

// Same thing as the previous example,
// we could return <?, ?, Object, Object> if we wanted
// to restrict the return type of create() in the case
// that someone called it immediately.
// (The type arguments to TCAP and SCAP should stay
// Object because they are the initial bound of TR and SR.)
public static OneBuilder<Object, Object, Object, Object> builder() {
    return new OneBuilder<Object, Object, Object, Object>(0, null, null);


无论如何,我希望这能给您一些想法,让您深入了解。 :)

如果您通常对这类东西感兴趣,我建议您学习 code generation with annotation processing,因为您可以生成这样的东西比手写它们容易得多。正如我们在评论中谈到的那样,手写这样的东西很快就会变得不切实际。