
How to fill linear in blanks in number series?

我是 VBA 的新手,正在尝试弄清楚如何使用 VBA 填充数字序列。两个数字之间的空格可以是一个或多个单元格。我想以线性方式填充它。请注意,百分比可能会上升或下降。


Jan........ 4,34%.......... 4,23%..............blank..............3,21%..............5,31%..................Blank

Feb.... 10.06%...........Blank................Blank............15.41%...........17.35%...................Blank


每一行对应特定国家/地区的月份,每一列对应一个月中的某天。到目前为止,我的宏填补了空白,但我得到的数字是错误的,我不明白为什么。另外,如果 B 列(每月的第一天)中没有数字,宏将停止 运行。 这是我目前使用的部分代码(可能充满错误且未优化):

Sub FillLinear()

Dim rng As Range
Dim stepValue As Integer

Set rng = Range("B2", Range("B2").End(xlToRight))
On Error Resume Next

   'Compute the difference between the first & last cell in the range,
   ' divided by the number of blank cells + 1.
   stepValue = (rng(rng.Cells.Count).Value - rng(1).Value) / _
            (rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Count + 1)
On Error Resume Next
   'now we can use our computed "stepValue" instead of hard-coding it as a     constant:
   '## Use the resize method to avoid overwriting the last cell in this range
    rng.Resize(, rng.Cells.Count - 1).DataSeries Rowcol:=xlRows, _
               Type:=xlLinear, _
               Date:=xlDay, _
               Step:=stepValue, _

   'Increment the range to the next row
   Set rng = Range(rng(1).Offset(1), rng(1).Offset(1).End(xlToRight))

'Escape the loop only when we reach an empty/blank cell in the first column:
Loop Until Trim(rng(1).Value) = vbNullString

On Error Resume Next

Set rng = Range("C2", Range("C2").End(xlToRight))

   'Compute the difference between the first & last cell in the range,
   ' divided by the number of blank cells + 1.
   stepValue = (rng(rng.Cells.Count).Value - rng(1).Value) / _
            (rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Count + 1)
On Error Resume Next
   'now we can use our computed "stepValue" instead of hard-coding it as a     constant:
   '## Use the resize method to avoid overwriting the last cell in this range
    rng.Resize(, rng.Cells.Count - 1).DataSeries Rowcol:=xlRows, _
               Type:=xlLinear, _
               Date:=xlDay, _
               Step:=stepValue, _

   'Increment the range to the next row
   Set rng = Range(rng(1).Offset(1), rng(1).Offset(1).End(xlToRight))

'Escape the loop only when we reach an empty/blank cell in the first column:
Loop Until Trim(rng(1).Value) = vbNullString

On Error Resume Next

Set rng = Range("D2", Range("D2").End(xlToRight))

   'Compute the difference between the first & last cell in the range,
   ' divided by the number of blank cells + 1.
   stepValue = (rng(rng.Cells.Count).Value - rng(1).Value) / _
            (rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Count + 1)
On Error Resume Next
   'now we can use our computed "stepValue" instead of hard-coding it as a    constant:
   '## Use the resize method to avoid overwriting the last cell in this range
     rng.Resize(, rng.Cells.Count - 1).DataSeries Rowcol:=xlRows, _
               Type:=xlLinear, _
               Date:=xlDay, _
               Step:=stepValue, _

   'Increment the range to the next row
    Set rng = Range(rng(1).Offset(1), rng(1).Offset(1).End(xlToRight))

 'Escape the loop only when we reach an empty/blank cell in the first column:
Loop Until Trim(rng(1).Value) = vbNullString

On Error Resume Next

 Set rng = Range("E2", Range("E2").End(xlToRight))

   'Compute the difference between the first & last cell in the range,
   ' divided by the number of blank cells + 1.
   stepValue = (rng(rng.Cells.Count).Value - rng(1).Value) / _
            (rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Count + 1)
On Error Resume Next
   'now we can use our computed "stepValue" instead of hard-coding it as a    constant:
   '## Use the resize method to avoid overwriting the last cell in this range
     rng.Resize(, rng.Cells.Count - 1).DataSeries Rowcol:=xlRows, _
               Type:=xlLinear, _
               Date:=xlDay, _
               Step:=stepValue, _

   'Increment the range to the next row
   Set rng = Range(rng(1).Offset(1), rng(1).Offset(1).End(xlToRight))

'Escape the loop only when we reach an empty/blank cell in the first column:
Loop Until Trim(rng(1).Value) = vbNullString

End Sub


我想推荐一种稍微不同的方法。但这当然只是个人喜好。在此解决方案中,我将从左到右、从上到下遍历所有单元格,从单元格 B2 开始,始终对空单元格进行采样并跟踪最后一个具有值的单元格。


Option Compare Text
Option Explicit
Option Base 0

Public Sub FillLinear()
Dim strLastRange, strToRange As String
Dim intCountBlanks As Integer
Dim lngRow, lngColumn As Long

For lngRow = 2 To 2000000000
    If IsEmpty(Cells(lngRow, 1).Value2) Then Exit For
    For lngColumn = 2 To 100
        If IsEmpty(Cells(1, lngColumn).Value2) Then Exit For
        If Cells(lngRow, lngColumn).Value2 = vbNullString Then
            If Not strLastRange = vbNullString Then
                intCountBlanks = intCountBlanks + 1
            End If
            If strLastRange = vbNullString Then
                strLastRange = Cells(lngRow, lngColumn).Address
                If intCountBlanks = 0 Then
                    strLastRange = Cells(lngRow, lngColumn).Address
                    strToRange = Cells(lngRow, lngColumn).Address
                    Call FillThemUp(strLastRange, strToRange, intCountBlanks)
                    strLastRange = strToRange
                End If
            End If
            intCountBlanks = 0
        End If
    Next lngColumn
Next lngRow

End Sub

Public Sub FillThemUp(ByVal strLastRange As String, ByVal strToRange As String, ByVal intCountBlanks As Integer)
Dim lngRow, lngColumn As Long
Dim strLastCell As String
Dim lngCountDown As Long
Dim bolStart As Boolean

lngCountDown = intCountBlanks
intCountBlanks = intCountBlanks + 1
For lngRow = 2 To 2000000000
    If IsEmpty(Cells(lngRow, 1).Value2) Then Exit For
    For lngColumn = 2 To 100
        If IsEmpty(Cells(1, lngColumn).Value2) Then Exit For
        If lngRow = Range(strLastRange).Row And lngColumn = Range(strLastRange).Column Then bolStart = True
        If bolStart = True Then
            If IsEmpty(Cells(lngRow, lngColumn).Value2) Then
                Cells(lngRow, lngColumn).Formula = "=" & strLastCell & "-((" & strLastRange & "-" & strToRange & ")/" & intCountBlanks & ")"
                Cells(lngRow, lngColumn).Interior.ColorIndex = 36
                lngCountDown = lngCountDown - 1
            End If
            strLastCell = Cells(lngRow, lngColumn).Address
        End If
        If lngCountDown = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Next lngColumn
Next lngRow

End Sub