
Creating a standard topic

我在使用 grails 创建网络论坛时遇到了一些问题。在我的控制器中,我需要为网站工作创建一个标准主题,我正在使用教程代码。所以我的问题是:如何创建标准主题才能使此代码正常工作?

我需要创建的部分在第 11 行。


class ForumController {
def springSecurityService

def home() {

def topic(long topicId) {
    Topic topic = Topic.get(topicId)

    if (topic == null){


    params.max = 10
    params.sort = 'createDate'
    params.order = 'desc'

    [threads:DiscussionThread.findAllByTopic(topic, params),
     numberOfThreads:DiscussionThread.countByTopic(topic), topic:topic]

def thread(long threadId) {
    DiscussionThread thread = DiscussionThread.get(threadId)

    params.max = 10
    params.sort = 'createDate'
    params.order = 'asc'

    [comments:Comment.findAllByThread(thread, params),
     numberOfComments:Comment.countByThread(thread), thread:thread]


def postReply(long threadId, String body) {
    def offset = params.offset
    if (body != null && body.trim().length() > 0) {
        DiscussionThread thread = DiscussionThread.get(threadId)
        def commentBy = springSecurityService.currentUser
        new Comment(thread:thread, commentBy:commentBy, body:body).save()

        // go to last page so user can view his comment
        def numberOfComments = Comment.countByThread(thread)
        def lastPageCount = numberOfComments % 10 == 0 ? 10 : numberOfComments % 10
        offset = numberOfComments - lastPageCount
    redirect(action:'thread', params:[threadId:threadId, offset:offset])

您的问题很不清楚,但是如果您询问如何创建 Topic 域 class 的初始实例(以便您可以将其加载到 thread行动),你可以在 Bootstrap.groovy 中这样做:

def init = { servletContext ->
  if(!Topic.list()) { //if there are no Topics in the database...
    new Topic(/*whatever properties you need to set*/).save(flush: true)

当前您正在尝试首先找到与提供的 topicId 对应的主题域 class 的实例,然后检查主题是否为空。


要解决此问题,您只需将查找包装在 if-null 检查中,如下所示,以确保您确实拥有有效的 topicId。

你的另一个问题(如何实际设置默认值)更直观一些。如果没有找到主题,只需创建一个默认的默认构造函数或向构造函数提供 key:value 对。 [示例见下面的代码]。有关 Grails 对象关系映射系统的更多信息,您应该查看 their documentation

def topic(long topicId) {
    Topic topic

    /* If you have a valid topicId perform a lookup. */
    if (topicId != null){
        topic = Topic.get(topicId)

    /* If the topic hasn't been set correctly, create one with default values. */
    if (topic == null) {
        topic = new Topic()
       /* You may want to have a look at the grails docs to see how this works. */
        toipic = new Topic(name: "Default", priority: "Highest")

    params.max = 10
    params.sort = 'createDate'
    params.order = 'desc'

    [threads:DiscussionThread.findAllByTopic(topic, params),
     numberOfThreads:DiscussionThread.countByTopic(topic), topic:topic]