
How to plot black and white color picture mandelbrot plot



If c is not part of the set, plot a white pixel, and if it is part of the set, plot a black pixel.

Use the imshow command to plot your image

%  Parameters:
%    Input, integer M, the number of pixels in the X direction.
%    Input, integer N, the number of pixels in the Y direction.
%    Input, integer COUNT_MAX, the number of iterations.  While 10 or
%    20 is a reasonable value, increasing COUNT_MAX gives a sharper image.
    count_max = 200;

  %Change the range of x's and y's here 
  x_max =   1;
  x_min = - 2;
  y_max =   1;
  y_min = - 1;

%  Create an array of complex sample points in [x_min,x_max] + [y_min,y_max]*i.
  I = ( 1 : m );
  J = ( 1 : n );
  X = ( ( I - 1 ) * x_max + ( m - I ) * x_min ) / ( m - 1 );
  Y = ( ( J - 1 ) * y_max + ( n - J ) * y_min ) / ( n - 1 );
  [ Zr, Zi ] = meshgrid ( X, Y );
  C = complex ( Zr, Zi );
%  Carry out the iteration.
  epsilon = 0.001;

  Z = C;
  ieps = 1 : numel ( C );

  %Iterate through 1 to maximum no. of iterations
  for i = 1 : count_max
    Z(ieps) = Z(ieps) .* Z(ieps) + C(ieps); 
    W(ieps) = exp ( - abs ( Z(ieps) ) );
    ieps = ieps ( find ( epsilon < W(ieps) ) );
%  Display the data.
  d = log ( abs ( Z ) );
  t = delaunay ( Zr, Zi );
%  To see individual pixels, use 'flat' color.
 h = trisurf ( t, Zr, Zi, d, 'FaceColor', 'flat', 'EdgeColor', 'flat' );
%  h = trisurf ( t, Zr, Zi, d, 'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'interp' );

  view ( 2 )
  axis equal
  axis on
  title_string = sprintf ( 'Mandelbrot set, %d x %d pixels, %d iterations', ...
    m, n, count_max );
  title ( title_string )
  xlabel ('Real Axis');
  ylabel ('Imaginary Axis');
%  Terminate.


为了完成第二点: 当我更换

view(2)imshow(2) 我看不到图片,只有标题和标签


view(2)imshow() 我得到一个 3D 图。

nargin 只是报告传递给函数的输入参数的数量。您可以使用一系列 if 语句来检查用户通过了哪些输入(如果有),并为他们没有通过的输入设置默认值。

看起来你把它变成了脚本而不是函数,并在顶部硬编码了 mncount_max 的值。在这种情况下,nargin 语句无关紧要。但是,我会将其 back 更改为函数。

function mandelbrot ( m, n, count_max )
    %// If no input were provided use m = 101
    if ( nargin == 0 )
        m = 101;

    %// If the second input wasn't provided, set it equal to m
    if ( nargin <= 1 )
        n = m;

    %// If the third input wasn't provided, set count_max = 20
    if ( nargin <= 2 )
        count_max = 20;

    %// Other stuff here


mandelbrot(601, 401, 200)