LibGit2Sharp Pull() 不拉取已删除的文件

LibGit2Sharp Pull() not pulling deleted files

我制作了一个程序来从我的 github.Cloning 上托管的 public 存储库中提取一个项目工作得很好(无论如何我都是这样做的),但我一直在努力得到它努力拉动一切,一旦你删除了一个文件,它就不再拉动那个文件了。在我的例子中,我从拉取的存储库(基本上是克隆的存储库)中删除了 .gitignore,现在 repo.Network.Pull() 不想从存储库中重新下载它。我删除的任何其他文件也是如此。

        private void PullButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BrowseText.Text))
                if (Directory.Exists(BrowseText.Text))
                    AddToDebugBox("Starting Pull request to \"" + BrowseText.Text + "\"...");

                    if (!Repository.IsValid(BrowseText.Text))
                        AddToDebugBox("No Git init found at: \"" + BrowseText.Text + "\"...");
                        Repository.Clone("", BrowseText.Text);
                        AddToDebugBox("Created new git init at: \"" + BrowseText.Text + "\".");
                        AddToDebugBox("Found git init at: \"" + BrowseText.Text + "\".");

                        using (Repository repo = new Repository(BrowseText.Text))
                            AddToDebugBox("Starting pull request...");
                            PullOptions options = new PullOptions();
                            options.FetchOptions = new FetchOptions();

                            repo.Network.Pull(new Signature("Updater", "", new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now)), options);

                            AddToDebugBox("Completed pull request.");
                            AddToDebugBox("Calculating differences...");

                            TreeChanges changes = repo.Diff.Compare<TreeChanges>();

                            AddToDebugBox(string.Format("{0} files changed.", changes.Count()));

                            foreach (TreeEntryChanges c in changes)
                                AddToDebugBox(string.Format("Path: {0} | Change made: {1}", c.Path, c.Status));

                        AddToDebugBox("Operations completed.");
                        cleanready = !cleanready;
                    AddToDebugBox("Cannot pull to non-existing path: \"" + BrowseText.Text + "\"...");
                AddToDebugBox("Cannot pull to nothing: \"" + BrowseText.Text + "\"...");


23:41:55 > Folder: "E:\Projects\Test" selected.
23:41:58 > Starting Pull request to "E:\Projects\Test"...
23:41:58 > Found git init at: "E:\Projects\Test".
23:41:58 > Starting pull request...
23:41:59 > Completed pull request.
23:41:59 > Calculating differences...
23:41:59 > 1 files changed.
23:41:59 > Path: .gitignore | Change made: Deleted
23:41:59 > Operations completed.


您只需要像使用 git:

的 cmd 行一样执行强制结帐

强制检出到 "master" 分支头部的示例:

head = repo.Branches.Single (branch => branch.FriendlyName == "master");
var checkoutOptions = new CheckoutOptions ();
checkoutOptions.CheckoutModifiers = CheckoutModifiers.Force;
repo.Checkout (head, checkoutOptions);