
Why does variable store different value than what user inputs?


请注意,有很多 printf(),因为我试图找出问题所在。另外我还在努力争取C.

#include <stdio.h>

int vehicletype, in, out; // User Entered Info
int vehicleID[5000];
float vehicleCharge[5000]; 
int i; 

// Variables for Main Function
int q; // Loop Control
float z;

int main (){

    for(q = 1; q != 1518944; q++) {
        printf("Enter your position in the parking queue: ");
        // Take the queue entered by the user and assign it to i 
        scanf("%d\n", &i);

        // Take the user input(which is being held in the variable i) and place it into the 'i'
        //position of the ID array
        vehicleID[q] = i;

        printf("Enter the time(past 0600) you wish to start parking: \n");
        //take the time and pass it to the time function to determine roundup
        scanf("%d\n", &in);
        printf("Enter the time(before 2200) you wish to leave: \n");
        scanf("%d\n", &out);
        printf("Time in: %d\nTime out: %d\n", in, out);


    return 0;


@M.M 我应该能够在 "in" 变量中输入 0617,在 "out" 中输入 1547(稍后我用它来找出他们停了多少车)但是通过打印 "in" 和 "out" 检查变量时得到的输出分别是 1 和 399。

这里有一些或多或少的工作代码。我不明白 1518944 的限制,但代码会采取措施确保无论您输入多少条目,代码都不会超出数组 vehicleID 的范围。它还会检查一些数字的有效性,并回应其输入。当通过另一个程序写入数据时,某些输出上的前导换行符使输出显得半正常(随机数生成器是我用来生成数字 1-5000 和两次 0600-2200 的东西)。

#include <stdio.h>

static int vehicleID[5000];

int main(void)
    for (int q = 1; q != 1518944; q++)
        int in, out;
        int i;
        printf("\nEnter your position in the parking queue: ");
        if (scanf("%d", &i) != 1)

        vehicleID[q % 5000] = i;

        printf("Enter the time (past 0600) you wish to start parking: ");
        if (scanf("%d", &in) != 1)
        printf("Enter the time (before 2200) you wish to leave: ");
        if (scanf("%d", &out) != 1)
        if (in < 600 || in > 2200 || out < 600 || out > 2200 || in >= out)
            printf("Invalid times (in %.4d, out %.4d)\n", in, out);
            printf("\nPosition: %d; Time in: %.4d; Time out: %.4d\n", i, in, out);

    return 0;
