swift 二元运算符不能应用于操作数

swift binary operator cannot be applied to operands

我很想学习 swift 并且我在 AppStore 上以 5 美元的价格购买了一个名为 CODESWIFT 的应用程序。我认为这是一种很好的简单方法,可以从语言开始,熟悉命名事物的新方法等等......在其中一个练习中,应用程序让你创建这几个变量并将它们组合起来打印到控制台:

var company = "Apple"

let yearFounded = 1976

var str = "was founded in "

print(company + str + yearFounded)

当我在应用程序上执行此操作时,它有效(应用程序显然无法编译,但会检查您的代码),但我决定 运行 在 Xcode 上进行相同的练习,并且它返回错误:

"binary operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'String' and 'Int' 

这似乎完全合乎逻辑,但我想我没想到该应用程序会成为骗局。我被抢走了 5 美元吗??


var company = "Apple"
let yearFounded = 1976
var str = "was founded in"

print("\(company) \(str) \(yearFounded)")
print(company + " " + str + " " + String(yearFounded))
print(company, str, yearFounded)

// three times "Apple was founded in 1976"

您需要将 Int 值转换为 String 试试这个:

print(company + str + "\(yearFounded)")