Haskell 中数组订阅的 EDSL 相关实现问题
Problems with EDSL related implementation of array subscription in Haskell
我正在尝试实现一个与 IBM 的 OLP(线性编程建模语言)大致相似的 EDSL。
Haskell EDSL 代码
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- Numbers at the type level
data Peano = Zero | Successor Peano
-- Counting Vector Type. Type information contains current length
data Vector peanoNum someType where
Nil :: Vector Zero someType
(:+) :: someType
-> Vector num someType
-> Vector (Successor num) someType
infixr 5 :+
-- Generate Num-th nested types
-- For example: Iterate (S (S Z)) [] Double => [[Double]]
type family Iterate peanoNum constructor someType where
Iterate Zero cons typ = typ
Iterate (Successor pn) cons typ =
cons (Iterate pn cons typ)
-- DSL spec
data Statement =
DecisionVector [Double]
| Minimize Statement
| Iteration `Sum` Expression
| Forall Iteration Statement
| Statement :| Statement
| Constraints Statement
infixl 8 `Sum`
infixl 3 :|
data Iteration =
String `In` [Double]
| String `Ins` [String]
data Expression where
EString :: String -> Expression
EFloat :: Double -> Expression
(:?) :: Vector n Expression -> Iterate (n) [] Double -> Expression
(:*) :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
Lt :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
Gt :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
Id :: String -> Expression
infixr 5 `Lt`
infixr 5 `Gt`
infixr 6 :*
infixr 7 :?
test :: Statement
test =
let rawMaterial = 205
products = ["light", "medium", "heavy"]
demand = [59, 12, 13]
processes = [1, 2]
production = [[12,16], [1,7], [4,2]]
consumption = [25, 30]
-- foo = (EId "p" :+ EId "f" :+ Nil) `Subscript` production
-- bar = (EId "p" :+ Nil) `Subscript` cost
run = []
cost = [300, 400]
DecisionVector run :|
(Sum ("p" `In` processes)
((Id "p" :+ Nil) :? cost :*
(Id "p" :+ Nil) :? run)) :|
(Sum ("p" `In` processes)
((Id "p" :+ Nil) :? consumption :*
(Id "p" :+ Nil) :? run `Lt` EFloat rawMaterial) :|
Forall ("q" `Ins` products)
(Sum ("p" `In` processes)
((Id "q" :+ Id "p" :+ Nil) :? production :*
(Id "p" :+ Nil) :? run `Gt`
(Id "q" :+ Nil) :? demand)))
instance Show Statement where
show (DecisionVector v) = show v
show (Minimize s) = "(Minimize " ++ show s ++ ")"
show (i `Sum` e) = "(" ++ show i ++ " `Sum` " ++ show e ++ ")"
show (Forall i e) = "(Forall " ++ show i ++ show e ++ ")"
show (sa :| sb) = "(" ++ show sa ++ show sb ++ ")"
show (Constraints s) = "(Constraints " ++ show s ++ ")"
instance Show Iteration where
show (str `In` d) = "(" ++ show str ++ " `In` " ++ show d ++ ")"
show (str `Ins` d) = "(" ++ show str ++ " `Ins` " ++ show d ++ ")"
instance Show Expression where
show (EString s) = "(EString " ++ show s ++ ")"
show (EFloat f) = "(EFloat " ++ show f ++ ")"
show (Lt ea eb) = "(" ++ show ea ++ " `Lt` " ++ show eb ++ ")"
show (Gt ea eb) = "(" ++ show ea ++ " `Gt` " ++ show eb ++ ")"
show (ea :* eb) = "(" ++ show ea ++ " :* " ++ show eb ++ ")"
show (Id s) = "(Id " ++ show s ++ ")"
show (vec :? dbl) = "(" ++ show vec ++ " :? " ++ "dbl" ++ ")"
instance Show (Vector p Expression) where
show (Nil) = "Nil"
show (e :+ v) = "(" ++ show e ++ " :+ " ++ show v ++ ")"
-- eval_opl :: Statement -> [Double]
let rawMaterial = 205
products = ["light", "medium", "heavy"]
demand = [59, 12, 13]
processes = [1, 2]
production = [[12,16], [1,7], [4,2]]
consumption = [25, 30]
-- foo = (EId "p" :+ EId "f" :+ Nil) `Subscript` production
-- bar = (EId "p" :+ Nil) `Subscript` cost
run = []
cost = [300, 400]
DecisionVector run :|
(Sum ("p" `In` processes)
((Id "p" :+ Nil) :? cost :*
(Id "p" :+ Nil) :? run)) :|
(Sum ("p" `In` processes)
((Id "p" :+ Nil) :? consumption :*
(Id "p" :+ Nil) :? run `Lt` EFloat rawMaterial) :|
Forall ("q" `Ins` products)
(Sum ("p" `In` processes)
((Id "q" :+ Id "p" :+ Nil) :? production :*
(Id "p" :+ Nil) :? run `Gt`
(Id "q" :+ Nil) :? demand)))
float rawMaterial = 205;
{string} products = {"light","medium","heavy"};
float demand[products] = [59,12,13];
{string} processes = {"1","2"};
float production[products][processes] = [[12,16],[1,7],[4,2]];
float consumption[processes] = [25,30];
float cost[processes] = [300,400];
dvar float+ run[processes];
minimize sum (p in processes) cost[p] * run[p];
constraints {
sum (p in processes) consumption[p] * run[p] <= rawMaterial;
forall (q in products)
sum (p in processes) production[q][p] * run[p] >= demand[q];
(:?) :: Vector n Expression -> Iterate (n) [] Double -> Expression
instance Show Expression where
show (vec :? dbl) = "(" ++ show vec ++ " :? " ++ "dbl" ++ ")"
OPL 使用括号进行数组订阅,我尝试映射订阅
到我的 EDSL
((Id "p" :+ Id "f" :+ Nil) :? consumption
在以下意义上对应于 OPL:
在前者中,(Id "p" :+ Id "f" :+ Nil) 构造一个 Vector 类型的值,其中包含有关所述向量长度的类型级别信息。
Iterate (n) [] Double 因此将扩展为 [[Double]]。
show (vec :? dbl) = "(" ++ show vec ++ " :? " ++ "dbl" ++ ")"
替换 dbl
(Iterate (Successor (Successor Zero)) [] Double)
不起作用。我也尝试建立一个数据族,但我无法想出一种方法来递归地创建一个由所有任意嵌套的 Double 列表组成的族:
最简单的方法是制作一个 GADT 来表示类型构造函数应用的迭代:
data IterateF peanoNum f a where
ZeroF :: a -> IterateF Zero f a
SuccessorF :: f (IterateF pn f a) -> IterateF (Successor pn) f a
instance Functor f => Functor (IterateF peanoNum f) where
fmap f (ZeroF a) = ZeroF $ f a
fmap f (SuccessorF xs) = SuccessorF $ fmap (fmap f) xs
-- There's also an Applicative instance, see Data.Functor.Compose
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
data SPeano pn where
SZero :: SPeano Zero
SSuccessor :: Singleton (SPeano pn) => SPeano pn -> SPeano (Successor pn)
class Singleton a where
singleton :: a
instance Singleton (SPeano Zero) where
singleton = SZero
instance Singleton (SPeano s) => Singleton (SPeano (Successor s)) where
singleton = SSuccessor singleton
没有 Singleton
类型 class 的更简单的 SPeano
如果我们修改上一节中的 IterateF
GADT 以捕获相同的证明(因为我很懒),只要我们有一个 SPeano
单例,我们就可以转换为 GADT。不管怎样,我们都可以很方便的从GADT转换过来。
data IterateF peanoNum f a where
ZeroF :: a -> IterateF Zero f a
SuccessorF :: Singleton (SPeano pn) => f (IterateF pn f a) -> IterateF (Successor pn) f a
toIterateF :: Functor f => SPeano pn -> Iterate pn f a -> IterateF pn f a
toIterateF SZero a = ZeroF a
toIterateF (SSuccessor pn) xs = SuccessorF $ fmap (toIterateF pn) xs
getIterateF :: Functor f => IterateF pn f a -> Iterate pn f a
getIterateF (ZeroF a) = a
getIterateF (SuccessorF xs) = fmap getIterateF xs
现在我们可以很容易地为 IterateF
创建一个替代表示,它是一个单例和 Iterate
data Iterated pn f a = Iterated (SPeano pn) (Iterate pn f a)
我很懒惰,不喜欢编写可以由 GADT 为我处理的证明,所以我将保留 IterateF
并为 Iterated
toIterated :: Functor f => IterateF pn f a -> Iterated pn f a
toIterated xs@(ZeroF _) = Iterated singleton (getIterateF xs)
toIterated xs@(SuccessorF _) = Iterated singleton (getIterateF xs)
fromIterated :: Functor f => Iterated pn f a -> IterateF pn f a
fromIterated (Iterated pn xs) = toIterateF pn xs
instance Functor f => Functor (Iterated pn f) where
fmap f = toIterated . fmap f . fromIterated
构造中捕获的证明。如果我们有更复杂的事情要做,我们可能希望在 Dict
(:?) :: Vector n Expression -> Iterate (n) [] Double -> Expression
你有一个 Vector n
,它在值级别对 Iterate n []
的迭代深度进行编码。您可以在向量上进行模式匹配,它是 Nil
或 (_ :+ xs)
以证明 Iterate n []
是 Double
或列表。您可以将它用于简单的情况,例如 show
ing the nested values,或者您可以将 Vector n
-- The only proof we need to write by hand
ssuccessor :: SPeano pn -> (SPeano (Successor pn))
ssuccessor pred =
case pred of
SZero -> SSuccessor pred
SSuccessor _ -> SSuccessor pred
lengthSPeano :: Vector pn st -> SPeano pn
lengthSPeano Nil = SZero
lengthSPeano (_ :+ xs) = ssuccessor (lengthSPeano xs)
为了知道 Iterate n [] Double
实际存储的值是什么,您必须了解有关 n
的一些信息。这些信息通常由一些 GADT 的索引给出,这些索引对应于索引本身的归纳结构(通常称为 singleton)。
但幸运的是,您已经将 Nat
索引存储在 Vector
instance Show Expression where
show (vec :? dbl) = "(" ++ show vec ++ go vec dbl ++ ")" where
go :: Vector n x -> Iterate n [] Double -> String
go Nil a = show a
go (_ :+ n) a = "[" ++ intercalate "," (map (go n) a) ++ "]"
的类型为您提供 n ~ 0
,这反过来又为您提供 Iterate 0 [] Double ~ Double
(根据定义)。在第二个模式中,对于某些 k
和 Iterate n [] Double ~ [ Iterate k [] Double ]
,您有 n ~ k + 1
。 Nat
你在 Iterate
foo :: forall n . Vector n () -> Iterate n F X -> Y -- for some X,Y
上写任何归纳函数。如果您不喜欢携带这些 "dummy" 值,您可以使用 class:
class KnownNat n where
isNat :: Vector n ()
instance KnownNat 'Z where isNat = Nil
instance KnownNat n => KnownNat ('S n) where isNat = () :+ isNat
但在这种情况下,因为你的 AST 已经包含一个具体的 Vector
,你不需要做任何额外的工作来访问索引的实际值 - 只需在向量上进行模式匹配。
我正在尝试实现一个与 IBM 的 OLP(线性编程建模语言)大致相似的 EDSL。
Haskell EDSL 代码
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- Numbers at the type level
data Peano = Zero | Successor Peano
-- Counting Vector Type. Type information contains current length
data Vector peanoNum someType where
Nil :: Vector Zero someType
(:+) :: someType
-> Vector num someType
-> Vector (Successor num) someType
infixr 5 :+
-- Generate Num-th nested types
-- For example: Iterate (S (S Z)) [] Double => [[Double]]
type family Iterate peanoNum constructor someType where
Iterate Zero cons typ = typ
Iterate (Successor pn) cons typ =
cons (Iterate pn cons typ)
-- DSL spec
data Statement =
DecisionVector [Double]
| Minimize Statement
| Iteration `Sum` Expression
| Forall Iteration Statement
| Statement :| Statement
| Constraints Statement
infixl 8 `Sum`
infixl 3 :|
data Iteration =
String `In` [Double]
| String `Ins` [String]
data Expression where
EString :: String -> Expression
EFloat :: Double -> Expression
(:?) :: Vector n Expression -> Iterate (n) [] Double -> Expression
(:*) :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
Lt :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
Gt :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
Id :: String -> Expression
infixr 5 `Lt`
infixr 5 `Gt`
infixr 6 :*
infixr 7 :?
test :: Statement
test =
let rawMaterial = 205
products = ["light", "medium", "heavy"]
demand = [59, 12, 13]
processes = [1, 2]
production = [[12,16], [1,7], [4,2]]
consumption = [25, 30]
-- foo = (EId "p" :+ EId "f" :+ Nil) `Subscript` production
-- bar = (EId "p" :+ Nil) `Subscript` cost
run = []
cost = [300, 400]
DecisionVector run :|
(Sum ("p" `In` processes)
((Id "p" :+ Nil) :? cost :*
(Id "p" :+ Nil) :? run)) :|
(Sum ("p" `In` processes)
((Id "p" :+ Nil) :? consumption :*
(Id "p" :+ Nil) :? run `Lt` EFloat rawMaterial) :|
Forall ("q" `Ins` products)
(Sum ("p" `In` processes)
((Id "q" :+ Id "p" :+ Nil) :? production :*
(Id "p" :+ Nil) :? run `Gt`
(Id "q" :+ Nil) :? demand)))
instance Show Statement where
show (DecisionVector v) = show v
show (Minimize s) = "(Minimize " ++ show s ++ ")"
show (i `Sum` e) = "(" ++ show i ++ " `Sum` " ++ show e ++ ")"
show (Forall i e) = "(Forall " ++ show i ++ show e ++ ")"
show (sa :| sb) = "(" ++ show sa ++ show sb ++ ")"
show (Constraints s) = "(Constraints " ++ show s ++ ")"
instance Show Iteration where
show (str `In` d) = "(" ++ show str ++ " `In` " ++ show d ++ ")"
show (str `Ins` d) = "(" ++ show str ++ " `Ins` " ++ show d ++ ")"
instance Show Expression where
show (EString s) = "(EString " ++ show s ++ ")"
show (EFloat f) = "(EFloat " ++ show f ++ ")"
show (Lt ea eb) = "(" ++ show ea ++ " `Lt` " ++ show eb ++ ")"
show (Gt ea eb) = "(" ++ show ea ++ " `Gt` " ++ show eb ++ ")"
show (ea :* eb) = "(" ++ show ea ++ " :* " ++ show eb ++ ")"
show (Id s) = "(Id " ++ show s ++ ")"
show (vec :? dbl) = "(" ++ show vec ++ " :? " ++ "dbl" ++ ")"
instance Show (Vector p Expression) where
show (Nil) = "Nil"
show (e :+ v) = "(" ++ show e ++ " :+ " ++ show v ++ ")"
-- eval_opl :: Statement -> [Double]
let rawMaterial = 205
products = ["light", "medium", "heavy"]
demand = [59, 12, 13]
processes = [1, 2]
production = [[12,16], [1,7], [4,2]]
consumption = [25, 30]
-- foo = (EId "p" :+ EId "f" :+ Nil) `Subscript` production
-- bar = (EId "p" :+ Nil) `Subscript` cost
run = []
cost = [300, 400]
DecisionVector run :|
(Sum ("p" `In` processes)
((Id "p" :+ Nil) :? cost :*
(Id "p" :+ Nil) :? run)) :|
(Sum ("p" `In` processes)
((Id "p" :+ Nil) :? consumption :*
(Id "p" :+ Nil) :? run `Lt` EFloat rawMaterial) :|
Forall ("q" `Ins` products)
(Sum ("p" `In` processes)
((Id "q" :+ Id "p" :+ Nil) :? production :*
(Id "p" :+ Nil) :? run `Gt`
(Id "q" :+ Nil) :? demand)))
float rawMaterial = 205;
{string} products = {"light","medium","heavy"};
float demand[products] = [59,12,13];
{string} processes = {"1","2"};
float production[products][processes] = [[12,16],[1,7],[4,2]];
float consumption[processes] = [25,30];
float cost[processes] = [300,400];
dvar float+ run[processes];
minimize sum (p in processes) cost[p] * run[p];
constraints {
sum (p in processes) consumption[p] * run[p] <= rawMaterial;
forall (q in products)
sum (p in processes) production[q][p] * run[p] >= demand[q];
(:?) :: Vector n Expression -> Iterate (n) [] Double -> Expression
instance Show Expression where
show (vec :? dbl) = "(" ++ show vec ++ " :? " ++ "dbl" ++ ")"
OPL 使用括号进行数组订阅,我尝试映射订阅 使用以下符号
到我的 EDSL((Id "p" :+ Id "f" :+ Nil) :? consumption
在以下意义上对应于 OPL:
在前者中,(Id "p" :+ Id "f" :+ Nil) 构造一个 Vector 类型的值,其中包含有关所述向量长度的类型级别信息。 根据构造函数的定义:?,你可以看到, Iterate (n) [] Double 因此将扩展为 [[Double]]。 这可以按预期正常工作。然而,为了使用生成的语法树,我需要对实际值进行模式匹配。
show (vec :? dbl) = "(" ++ show vec ++ " :? " ++ "dbl" ++ ")"
问题:上面的行有效,但我不知道如何使用实际数据。我如何进行模式匹配?无论如何都可以使用这些数据吗? 通过明显的
替换 dbl(Iterate (Successor (Successor Zero)) [] Double)
不起作用。我也尝试建立一个数据族,但我无法想出一种方法来递归地创建一个由所有任意嵌套的 Double 列表组成的族:
最简单的方法是制作一个 GADT 来表示类型构造函数应用的迭代:
data IterateF peanoNum f a where
ZeroF :: a -> IterateF Zero f a
SuccessorF :: f (IterateF pn f a) -> IterateF (Successor pn) f a
instance Functor f => Functor (IterateF peanoNum f) where
fmap f (ZeroF a) = ZeroF $ f a
fmap f (SuccessorF xs) = SuccessorF $ fmap (fmap f) xs
-- There's also an Applicative instance, see Data.Functor.Compose
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
data SPeano pn where
SZero :: SPeano Zero
SSuccessor :: Singleton (SPeano pn) => SPeano pn -> SPeano (Successor pn)
class Singleton a where
singleton :: a
instance Singleton (SPeano Zero) where
singleton = SZero
instance Singleton (SPeano s) => Singleton (SPeano (Successor s)) where
singleton = SSuccessor singleton
没有 Singleton
类型 class 的更简单的 SPeano
如果我们修改上一节中的 IterateF
GADT 以捕获相同的证明(因为我很懒),只要我们有一个 SPeano
单例,我们就可以转换为 GADT。不管怎样,我们都可以很方便的从GADT转换过来。
data IterateF peanoNum f a where
ZeroF :: a -> IterateF Zero f a
SuccessorF :: Singleton (SPeano pn) => f (IterateF pn f a) -> IterateF (Successor pn) f a
toIterateF :: Functor f => SPeano pn -> Iterate pn f a -> IterateF pn f a
toIterateF SZero a = ZeroF a
toIterateF (SSuccessor pn) xs = SuccessorF $ fmap (toIterateF pn) xs
getIterateF :: Functor f => IterateF pn f a -> Iterate pn f a
getIterateF (ZeroF a) = a
getIterateF (SuccessorF xs) = fmap getIterateF xs
现在我们可以很容易地为 IterateF
创建一个替代表示,它是一个单例和 Iterate
data Iterated pn f a = Iterated (SPeano pn) (Iterate pn f a)
我很懒惰,不喜欢编写可以由 GADT 为我处理的证明,所以我将保留 IterateF
并为 Iterated
toIterated :: Functor f => IterateF pn f a -> Iterated pn f a
toIterated xs@(ZeroF _) = Iterated singleton (getIterateF xs)
toIterated xs@(SuccessorF _) = Iterated singleton (getIterateF xs)
fromIterated :: Functor f => Iterated pn f a -> IterateF pn f a
fromIterated (Iterated pn xs) = toIterateF pn xs
instance Functor f => Functor (Iterated pn f) where
fmap f = toIterated . fmap f . fromIterated
构造中捕获的证明。如果我们有更复杂的事情要做,我们可能希望在 Dict
的特定情况下(:?) :: Vector n Expression -> Iterate (n) [] Double -> Expression
你有一个 Vector n
,它在值级别对 Iterate n []
的迭代深度进行编码。您可以在向量上进行模式匹配,它是 Nil
或 (_ :+ xs)
以证明 Iterate n []
是 Double
或列表。您可以将它用于简单的情况,例如 show
ing the nested values,或者您可以将 Vector n
-- The only proof we need to write by hand
ssuccessor :: SPeano pn -> (SPeano (Successor pn))
ssuccessor pred =
case pred of
SZero -> SSuccessor pred
SSuccessor _ -> SSuccessor pred
lengthSPeano :: Vector pn st -> SPeano pn
lengthSPeano Nil = SZero
lengthSPeano (_ :+ xs) = ssuccessor (lengthSPeano xs)
为了知道 Iterate n [] Double
实际存储的值是什么,您必须了解有关 n
的一些信息。这些信息通常由一些 GADT 的索引给出,这些索引对应于索引本身的归纳结构(通常称为 singleton)。
但幸运的是,您已经将 Nat
索引存储在 Vector
instance Show Expression where
show (vec :? dbl) = "(" ++ show vec ++ go vec dbl ++ ")" where
go :: Vector n x -> Iterate n [] Double -> String
go Nil a = show a
go (_ :+ n) a = "[" ++ intercalate "," (map (go n) a) ++ "]"
的类型为您提供 n ~ 0
,这反过来又为您提供 Iterate 0 [] Double ~ Double
(根据定义)。在第二个模式中,对于某些 k
和 Iterate n [] Double ~ [ Iterate k [] Double ]
,您有 n ~ k + 1
。 Nat
你在 Iterate
foo :: forall n . Vector n () -> Iterate n F X -> Y -- for some X,Y
上写任何归纳函数。如果您不喜欢携带这些 "dummy" 值,您可以使用 class:
class KnownNat n where
isNat :: Vector n ()
instance KnownNat 'Z where isNat = Nil
instance KnownNat n => KnownNat ('S n) where isNat = () :+ isNat
但在这种情况下,因为你的 AST 已经包含一个具体的 Vector
,你不需要做任何额外的工作来访问索引的实际值 - 只需在向量上进行模式匹配。