遵循 FormFlow 教程时出错

Error when following FormFlow tutorial

我正在学习 http://docs.botframework.com/sdkreference/csharp/forms.html#simpleSandwichBot 上的 FormFlow 教程。一切顺利,直到我尝试添加

OnCompletionAsyncDelegate<SandwichOrder> processOrder = async (context, state) =>
            await context.PostAsync("We are currently processing your sandwich. We will message you the status.");

我收到以下错误:CS1503:参数 1:无法从 'string' 转换为 'Microsoft.Bot.Connector.Message.'


我会研究解决方案,post 如果找到解决方案,我会返回。我希望 Microsoft 看到这一点并再次通过他们的示例应用程序,并可能在他们使用它时清除一些拼写错误 ("As described in th (sic) help")。


Message reply = context.MakeMessage();

reply.Text = "We are currently processing your sandwich. We will message you the status.";

await context.PostAsync(reply);