垂直六角网格:获取特定坐标周围的 x 个瓷砖环

Vertical Hex Grid: Get x rings of tiles surrounding a specific coordinate


我想做的是从指定点获取 x 个环,并将这些环存储在 List<List<HexCoordinate>> 中,其中内部列表是该环中所有六边形的列表,HexCoordinate 是下面定义的结构




在代码中,每个图块都由一个简单的 HexCoordinate 结构表示 GitHub

public struct HexCoordinate : IEquatable<HexCoordinate>
    public int X { get; private set; }
    public int Y { get; private set; }

    public HexCoordinate(int x, int y)
        X = x;
        Y = y;

    public HexCoordinate North() => this + new HexCoordinate(0, -1);
    public HexCoordinate South() => this + new HexCoordinate(0, 1);

    public HexCoordinate West() => this + new HexCoordinate(-1, 0);
    public HexCoordinate East() => this + new HexCoordinate(1, 0);

    public HexCoordinate NorthWest() => this + new HexCoordinate(-1, -1);
    public HexCoordinate NorthEast() => this + new HexCoordinate(1, -1);

    public HexCoordinate SouthWest() => this + new HexCoordinate(-1, 1);
    public HexCoordinate SouthEast() => this + new HexCoordinate(1, 1);

    public bool Equals(HexCoordinate other)
        return X == other.X &&
               Y == other.Y;
    public static HexCoordinate operator +(HexCoordinate one, HexCoordinate two)
        return new HexCoordinate(one.X + two.X, one.Y + two.Y);




public const int MAX_RINGS = 3;
public List<List<HexCoordinate> GetsRingsWithinHex(HexCoordinate coordinate, int maxRings = MAX_RINGS)
    // Attempt One Pseudocode
    // reference: http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/51264/get-ring-of-tiles-in-hexagon-grid
    // int ring = 1
    //   Travel around the ring by traversing N,SE,S,SW,NW,N,NE multiplied by the ring number
    //   ring++
    //      Travel Around ring again
    //      cont until desired ring...

    var hexRings = new List<List<HexCoordinate>>();

    // Add in the current hex to the list
    var currentHex = new List<HexCoordinate>(); 

    // Now go through and add the other rings
    while (hexRings.Count <= maxRings)
        var ring = new List<HexCoordinate>();
        HexCoordinate tempCoordinate = coordinate;
        int currentRingNumber = hexRings.Count;

        // We start off by going north to the correct ring, and then adding it to our list
        for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber; i++)
            tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.North();

        // After that, we proceed to go clockwise around the ring until we come back to the start
        for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber; i++)
            tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.SouthEast();

            // If the ring is an odd number, you need to re-align the coordinates back to where whey should be
            if (IntExtensions.IsOdd(i)) tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.North();


        // The rightmost segment is east because we can go straight down the required number of times
        for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber; i++)
            tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.South();

        // We utilize Current Ring - 1 because we only want this to run on rings that are greater than 1
        for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber - 1; i++)
            tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.SouthWest();

        // Coming into this statement, we are now at the bottom 3 coordinates.
        // Since our grid is laid out vertically, we can assume that these three hexes will be directly west of eachother
        // So we only have to go west twice to make our way to the next north segment 
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.West();

        // We utilize Current Ring - 1 because we only want this to run on rings that are greater than 1
        for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber - 1; i++)
            tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.NorthWest();

        // The left most segment is easy because we can just go straight up
        for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber; i++)
            tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.North();

        // We utilize Current Ring - 1 because we only want this to run on rings that are greater than 1
        for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber - 1; i++)
            tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.NorthEast();

            // If the ring is an even number, you need to re-align the coordinates back to where whey should be
            if (IntExtensions.IsEven(i)) tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.South();


        // Finally, we add the ring to our system rings and loop until we no longer fit the criteria

    return hexRings;

如果需要,这是我的 IntExtensions

public static class IntExtensions
    public static bool IsBetween(this int num, int low, int high)
        return num >= low && num <= high;

    public static bool IsOdd(this int value)
        return value % 2 != 0;

    public static bool IsEven(this int value)
        return value % 2 == 0;

我目前的问题是这个算法适用于第一个和第二个环,但是一旦它到达第三个环(如果我 运行 它超过 3,可能会更远)底部和角落的坐标开始偏移 1... 从下面我的控制台中的输出可以看出(应该手动编辑的内容)

Ring 0 - System 5, 5

Ring 1 - System 5, 4
Ring 1 - System 6, 5
Ring 1 - System 6, 6
Ring 1 - System 5, 6
Ring 1 - System 4, 6
Ring 1 - System 4, 5

Ring 2 - System 5, 3
Ring 2 - System 6, 4
Ring 2 - System 7, 4
Ring 2 - System 7, 5
Ring 2 - System 7, 6
Ring 2 - System 6, 7
Ring 2 - System 5, 7
Ring 2 - System 4, 7
Ring 2 - System 3, 6
Ring 2 - System 3, 5
Ring 2 - System 3, 4
Ring 2 - System 4, 4

Ring 3 - System 5, 2
Ring 3 - System 6, 3
Ring 3 - System 7, 3
Ring 3 - System 8, 4
Ring 3 - System 8, 5
Ring 3 - System 8, 6
Ring 3 - System 8, 7
Ring 3 - System 7, 8 //(Should be 7, 7)
Ring 3 - System 6, 9 //(Should be 6, 8)
Ring 3 - System 5, 9 //(Should be 5, 8)
Ring 3 - System 4, 9 //(Should be 4, 8)
Ring 3 - System 3, 8 //(Should be 3, 7)
Ring 3 - System 2, 7 
Ring 3 - System 2, 6
Ring 3 - System 2, 5
Ring 3 - System 2, 4
Ring 3 - System 3, 4 //(Should be 3, 3)
Ring 3 - System 4, 3


好的,所以我想我可能已经找到了解决问题的方法。我已经测试了最多 4 个环,它为我提供了相应环中所有正确的六角形。

public List<List<HexCoordinate>> GetsRingsSurroundingHex(HexCoordinate coordinate, int maxRings)
        // idea reference: http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/51264/get-ring-of-tiles-in-hexagon-grid
        // int ring = 1
        //   Travel around the ring by traversing N,SE,S,SW,NW,N,NE multiplied by the ring number
        //   ring++
        //      Travel Around ring again
        //      cont until desired ring...

        var hexRings = new List<List<HexCoordinate>>();

        // Add in the current hex to the list
        var currentHex = new List<HexCoordinate>();

        // Now go through and add the other rings
        while (hexRings.Count <= maxRings)
            var ring = new List<HexCoordinate>();
            HexCoordinate tempCoordinate = coordinate;
            int currentRingNumber = hexRings.Count;

            // We start off by going north to the correct ring, and then adding it to our list
            for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber; i++)
                tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.North();

            // After that, we proceed to go clockwise around the ring until we come back to the start
            for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber; i++)
                tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.SouthEast();

                // If the ring is an odd number, you need to re-align the coordinates back to where whey should be
                if (IntExtensions.IsOdd(i)) tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.North();


            // The rightmost segment is east because we can go straight down the required number of times
            for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber; i++)
                tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.South();

            // We utilize Current Ring - 1 because we only want this to run on rings that are greater than 1
            for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber - 1; i++)
                if (currentRingNumber.IsEven())
                    if (i.IsEven())
                        tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.SouthWest();
                        tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.West();
                    if (i.IsEven())
                        tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.West();
                        tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.SouthWest();


            // Coming into this statement, we are now at the bottom 3 coordinates.
            // Since our grid is laid out vertically, we can assume that these three hexes will be directly west of each other
            // So we only have to go west twice to make our way to the next north segment 
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.West();

            // We utilize Current Ring - 1 because we only want this to run on rings that are greater than 1
            for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber - 1; i++)
                if (i.IsEven())
                    tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.NorthWest();
                    tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.West();


            // The left most segment is easy because we can just go straight up
            for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber; i++)
                tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.North();

            // We utilize Current Ring - 1 because we only want this to run on rings that are greater than 1
            for (int i = 0; i < currentRingNumber - 1; i++)
                if (currentRingNumber.IsEven())
                    if (i.IsEven())
                        tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.East();
                        tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.NorthEast();
                    if (i.IsEven())
                        tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.NorthEast();
                        tempCoordinate = tempCoordinate.East();


            // Finally, we add the ring to our system rings and loop until we no longer fit the criteria

        return hexRings;