为什么当参数和参数匹配时会发生 javac 错误“(x) 无法应用于 (y)”? (内部-class 调用外部-class 方法)

Why does the javac error "(x) cannot be applied to (y)", happen when both parameters and arguments match up? (inner-class calling outer-class method)

通过家庭作业了解 Java 迭代器和通用数据结构。

我构建了一个双向链表 (LinkedList),它使用节点 (LinkedList$Node) 并有一个迭代器 (LinkedList$LinkedListIterator) 所有 classes 都使用泛型。

在 LinkedListIterator 的 @Overridden remove() 方法中,我正在使用外部方法-class,即 LinkedList class.


./LinkedList.java:170: deleteNode(LinkedList<T>.Node<T>,LinkedList<T>.Node<T>,LinkedList<T>.Node<T>) in LinkedList<T> cannot be applied to (LinkedList<T>.Node<T>,LinkedList<T>.Node<T>,LinkedList<T>.Node<T>)
        deleteNode(nodeToBeRemoved, next, prev);


这是我的完整 class 代码:

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;

public class LinkedList<T> implements Iterable<T> { 
    private Node<T> sentinel;
    private long modCount;  //apparently no unsigned int's in Java.

    public LinkedList() {
        modCount = 0;
        sentinel = new Node<T>(null);

    public void append(T t) {
                    |     |
                    |     |
        inFront->   [SENTL]
                    |     | <-- [newNode]
        behind-->   [-----]
                    |     |
        Node<T> newNode = new Node<T>(t);
        Node<T> inFront = sentinel;
        Node<T> behind = sentinel.prev();

        //now actually insert:
        insertNode(newNode, inFront, behind);

    public void prepend(T t) {
                    |     |
        inFront->   [-1st-]
                    |     | <-- [newNode]
        behind-->   [SENTL]
                    |     |
                    |     |

        Node<T> newNode = new Node<T>(t);
        Node<T> behind = sentinel;
        Node<T> inFront = sentinel.next();

        //now actually insert:
        insertNode(newNode, inFront, behind);

    public void removeHead() {
        inFront --> [-----]
                    |     |
                    [-1st-] <-- *delete*
                    |     |
        behind ---> [SENTL]
                    |     |
                    |     |

        Node<T> inFront = sentinel.next().next();
        Node<T> behind = sentinel;
        Node<T> toDelete = sentinel.next();

        // now actually delete
        deleteNode(toDelete, inFront, behind);

    private void insertNode(Node<T> newNode, Node<T> inFront, Node<T> behind) {

    private void deleteNode(Node<T> toDelete, Node<T> inFront, Node<T> behind) {

    public Iterator<T> iterator() {
        return new LinkedListIterator<T>(sentinel);

        ..:: MyIterator ::..
        private inner class
    public class LinkedListIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
        private Node<T> cursor;
        private Node<T> lastReturned;
        private long iterModCountPerspective;

        public LinkedListIterator(Node<T> sentinel) {
            cursor = sentinel.next();
            lastReturned = null;
            iterModCountPerspective = modCount;

        private boolean hasBodhi() {
            // bodhi: in Buddhism, bodhi is the understanding of the "true nature of things".
            return (iterModCountPerspective == modCount);

        public boolean hasNext() {
            if (cursor == sentinel)
                return false;
            return true;

        public T next() {
            if (!this.hasNext()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            } else if (!hasBodhi()) {
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
            } else {
                T aux = cursor.data();
                lastReturned = cursor;
                cursor = cursor.next();
                return aux;

        public void remove() {
            //check we're allowed to remove:
            if (lastReturned == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException();
            if (!hasBodhi()) {
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

            //setup vars to perform deletion:
            Node<T> nodeToBeRemoved = lastReturned;
            Node<T> next = nodeToBeRemoved.next();
            Node<T> prev = nodeToBeRemoved.prev();

            // now delete
            deleteNode(nodeToBeRemoved, next, prev);

            //now setup vars for exit:
            cursor = next;
            lastReturned = null; // illegal to remove yet-again before first calling next()

    /*         ..:: Node ::..
       private, compositional inner class

        void        setNext(Node n) // change the Node in front of this Node
        void        setPrev(Node p) // change the Node behind this Node
        Node        next()          // returns the Node in front of this Node
        Node        prev()          // returns the Node behind this Node
        T       data()          // returns the data stored inside this Node
    private class Node<T> {
        private T data;
        private Node<T> next;
        private Node<T> prev;

        public Node(T d) {
            data = d;
            next = null;
            prev = null;

            METHOD  setNext(Node<T> n)

                This method takes the parameter Node
                passed-in and puts it in front of this

                input  -    Node n
                output -    none

                eg: node4.setNext(node5);
        public void setNext(Node<T> n) {
            next = n;

            METHOD  setPrev(Node<T> n)

                This method takes the parameter Node
                passed-in and puts it behind of this

                input  -    Node p
                output -    none

                eg: node5.setPrev(node4);
        public void setPrev(Node<T> p) {
            prev = p;

            METHOD  next()

                This method returns the Node in
                front of this Node.

                input  -    none
                output -    Node infront of this (this.next)

                eg: Node nodeInFrontOfNode4 = node4.next();
        public Node<T> next() {
            return next;

            METHOD  prev()

                This method returns the Node
                behind of this Node.

                input  -    none
                output -    Node behind of this (this.prev)

                eg: Node nodeBehindOfNode4 = node4.prev();
        public Node<T> prev() {
            return prev;

            METHOD  data()

                This method returns the data
                inside of this Node.

                input  -    none
                output -    Data inside of this Node

                eg: PlanarShape shape4 = node4.data();
        public T data() {
            return data;


Comp-sci 学生,第一次海报。 感谢所有 SO 专家。你曾多次帮助我和我的同龄人

发生这种情况,因为您在那里定义了 3 个不同的类型参数。每当您将 class 声明为:

class X<T> {}

... 你定义了一个新的类型参数 T,无论是内部 class 还是外部 class。所以,在下面的场景中:

class X<T> {
    class Y<T> {

两个 T's 是不同的。你可以这样做:

X<String> x = new X<String>();
Y<Double> y = x.new Y<Double>();


class X<T> {
    public void helloThere(T obj) { }

    class Y<T> {
        // Ignore any syntactical error about method calling.
        public void callHelloThere(T obj) {



因为那样的话,您将 Double 类型传递给接受 String 的方法,因为您实例化了 X<String>


解决方案?将 class Y<T> 更改为 class Y,一切就绪。