ffmpeg 使用平铺过滤器的表达式
ffmpeg using an expression for tile filter
有什么方法可以为 ffmpeg 的 'tile' 过滤器提供表达式吗?我已经尝试了所有我能想到的组合,使用不同的转义字符和引号,但它不会接受除了像“10x10”这样的显式字符串之外的任何内容。请参阅下面有效的示例:
ffmpeg -i "big_buck_bunny.mp4" -vf "tile=10x10" grid_%d.jpg
ffmpeg -i "big_buck_bunny.mp4" -vf "tile=expr(n*2)x10" grid_%d.jpg
[tile @ 0x7facc1d000c0] Unable to parse option value "expr(n*2)x10" as image size
tile 可以简单地不接受表达式吗?还是我应该尝试某种连接函数?
如果您想根据帧数进行计算,您可能必须从输出中提取 nb_frames
ffprobe -show_streams -i "big_buck_bunny.mp4"
Generating a preview is just another one-liner where ffmpeg captures images and joins them into a single long film strip.
ffmpeg -loglevel panic -y -i "video.mp4" -frames 1 -q:v 1 -vf "select=not(mod(n\,40)),scale=-1:120,tile=100x1" video_preview.jpg
- -loglevel panic We don’t want to see any output. You can remove this option if you’re having any problems seeing what went wrong.
- -i "$MOVIE" The input file.
- -y Override any existing output file.
- -frames 1 Tell ffmpeg that output from this command is just a single image (one frame).
- -q:v 1 Output quality, 0 is the best.
- -vf select= That's where all the magic happens. This is the selector function for video filter.
- not(mod(n\,40)) Select one frame every 40 frames see the documentation.
- scale=-1:120 Resize frames to fit 120px height, and the width is adjusted automatically to keep the correct aspect ratio.
- tile=100x1 Layout captured frames into this grid.
有什么方法可以为 ffmpeg 的 'tile' 过滤器提供表达式吗?我已经尝试了所有我能想到的组合,使用不同的转义字符和引号,但它不会接受除了像“10x10”这样的显式字符串之外的任何内容。请参阅下面有效的示例:
ffmpeg -i "big_buck_bunny.mp4" -vf "tile=10x10" grid_%d.jpg
ffmpeg -i "big_buck_bunny.mp4" -vf "tile=expr(n*2)x10" grid_%d.jpg
[tile @ 0x7facc1d000c0] Unable to parse option value "expr(n*2)x10" as image size
tile 可以简单地不接受表达式吗?还是我应该尝试某种连接函数?
如果您想根据帧数进行计算,您可能必须从输出中提取 nb_frames
ffprobe -show_streams -i "big_buck_bunny.mp4"
Generating a preview is just another one-liner where ffmpeg captures images and joins them into a single long film strip.
ffmpeg -loglevel panic -y -i "video.mp4" -frames 1 -q:v 1 -vf "select=not(mod(n\,40)),scale=-1:120,tile=100x1" video_preview.jpg
- -loglevel panic We don’t want to see any output. You can remove this option if you’re having any problems seeing what went wrong.
- -i "$MOVIE" The input file.
- -y Override any existing output file.
- -frames 1 Tell ffmpeg that output from this command is just a single image (one frame).
- -q:v 1 Output quality, 0 is the best.
- -vf select= That's where all the magic happens. This is the selector function for video filter.
- not(mod(n\,40)) Select one frame every 40 frames see the documentation.
- scale=-1:120 Resize frames to fit 120px height, and the width is adjusted automatically to keep the correct aspect ratio.
- tile=100x1 Layout captured frames into this grid.