如何递归到 PySVN.Client.list() 返回的列表?

How do I recurse into list returned by PySVN.Client.list()?

我正在使用 PySVN 获取一些存储库信息。

我用了 Client.list entries_list = client.list("https://myrepourl.com/myproject", ...) "returns a list with a tuple of information for each file in the given path."

我只想从 list/tuple 获取单一信息,那就是 URL 是否设置了某些属性(has_props - bool - 如果节点具有属性)。

我如何递归到 entries_list 和 return 远程 http 路径列表,但只有那些 has_props 设置为 True 的路径?


entries_list {list}
  000 {tuple}
    0 {instance}
      data {dict}
        'path' = https://myrepourl.com/myproject/somedirorfile1
        'has_props' = 1
        'kind' = dir
  001 {tuple}
    0 {instance}
      data {dict}
        'path' = https://myrepourl.com/myproject/somedirorfile2
        'has_props' = 1
        'kind' = file
  002 {tuple}
    0 {instance}
      data {dict}
        'path' = https://myrepourl.com/myproject/somedirorfile3
        'has_props' = 0
        'kind' = dir

这是访问 has_props 元素的方式:

has_props = entries_list[0][0][‘has_props’]


entries_list = client.list("https://example.com/svnrepository/product",...)

for entry in entries_list:
    data_dict = entry[0]
    has_props = data_dict['has_props']

    if has_props == 1:
        print "Found props."