PDDL-- 山羊、狼和卷心菜

PDDL - The Goat, Wolf and the Cabbage

有人要求我为著名的 "Goat, Wolf and the Cabbage" 场景写一个解决方案。场景如下:



但是,我无法将其投影到 PDDL 中。我一直在给问题定义:

(problem boat1)
(:domain boat)
; only needs two objects, namely representing
; either banke side of the river, [w]est and [e]ast
(:objects  w e)
    ; wolf, goat, cabbage, boat are all on 
    ; the west side to start with
    (config w w w w)

    ; represent all valid states
    ; these two are the special case,
    ; representing that wolf and cabbage are
    ; safe together even if the boat is away
    (valid w e w e)
    (valid e w e w)

    ; these are all cases where two entities
    ; are always safe as long as the boat is 
    ; with them. In other words, a single entity
    ; on the other side is also always safe
    ; for west side
    (valid w w w w)
    (valid w w e w)
    (valid w e w w)
    (valid e w w w)
    ; for east side
    (valid e e e e)
    (valid e e w e)
    (valid e w e e)
    (valid w e e e)
    ; these are all valid states that are
    ; ever allowed


(:goal (AND 
        ; they all have to move to the east side
        (config e e e e)

最后,我们只得到了 1 个谓词,并且被告知这可以通过 4 个动作来完成。 Move_empty, move_goat, move_wolf, move_cabbage.


(配置?狼?山羊?卷心菜?船) (有效?狼?山羊?卷心菜?船)

并且我尝试从 move_empty 开始:

    (:action move_empty
     :parameters (?from ?to)
     :precondition (and (valid ?x ?y ?z ?w) (on_left ?from) (on_right ?to))                      
     :effect (and (valid ?x ?y ?z ?w)))

我不希望得到答案,只希望得到有关如何解决此问题的帮助和建议,因为我能找到的关于 PDDL 的信息不多。

注意: 我不知道 pddl 语言,这是我通过查看您的代码获得的。


在您的问题中,每个实体都被描述为位于 westeast 河岸,实体使用它们在谓词 configvalid 中的相对位置。

每个动作 都从给定的配置 开始,并且必须以另一个配置 结束。此外,我们必须要求 end configuration valid.


  (:action move_empty_ew :parameters (?x ?y ?z)
   :precondition (and (config ?x ?y ?z e) (valid ?x ?y ?z w))
   :effect (and (not (config ?x ?y ?z e)) (config ?x ?y ?z w))

在这里,我们让所有其他实体(狼、山羊和卷心菜)的位置不确定,而我们要求最初 east 银行,让 boatwest 银行,而让动物无人看管是 有效 着法。如果满足所有这些条件,那么我们将转到所需的配置。




(define (domain boat)
  (:requirements :equality)

    (config ?wolf ?goat ?cabbage ?boat)
    (valid ?wolf ?goat ?cabbage ?boat)

  (:action move_empty_ew :parameters (?x ?y ?z)
   :precondition (and (config ?x ?y ?z e) (valid ?x ?y ?z w))
   :effect (and (not (config ?x ?y ?z e)) (config ?x ?y ?z w))
  (:action move_empty_we :parameters (?x ?y ?z)
   :precondition (and (config ?x ?y ?z w) (valid ?x ?y ?z e))
   :effect (and (not (config ?x ?y ?z w)) (config ?x ?y ?z e))

  (:action move_wolf_ew :parameters (?y ?z)
   :precondition (and (config e ?y ?z e) (valid w ?y ?z w))
   :effect (and (not (config e ?y ?z e)) (config w ?y ?z w))
  (:action move_wolf_we :parameters (?y ?z)
   :precondition (and (config w ?y ?z w) (valid e ?y ?z e))
   :effect (and (not (config w ?y ?z w)) (config e ?y ?z e))

  (:action move_goat_ew :parameters (?x ?z)
   :precondition (and (config ?x e ?z e) (valid ?x w ?z w))
   :effect (and (not (config ?x e ?z e)) (config ?x w ?z w))
  (:action move_goat_we :parameters (?x ?z)
   :precondition (and (config ?x w ?z w) (valid ?x e ?z e))
   :effect (and (not (config ?x w ?z w)) (config ?x e ?z e))

  (:action move_cabbage_ew :parameters (?x ?y)
   :precondition (and (config ?x ?y e e) (valid ?x ?y w w))
   :effect (and (not (config ?x ?y e e)) (config ?x ?y w w))
  (:action move_cabbage_we :parameters (?x ?y)
   :precondition (and (config ?x ?y w w) (valid ?x ?y e e))
   :effect (and (not (config ?x ?y w w)) (config ?x ?y e e))


(define (problem boat)
  (:domain boat)
  (:objects w e)

  (:INIT (config w w w w)
    (valid w e w e) (valid e w e w)
    (valid w w w w) (valid w w e w)
    (valid w e w w) (valid e w w w)
    (valid e e e e) (valid e e w e)
    (valid e w e e) (valid w e e e)

  (:goal (config e e e e))


~$ fast-downward.py --alias seq-opt-bjolp boat-domain.pddl boat-prob.pddl


move_goat_we w w (1)
move_empty_ew w e w (1)
move_cabbage_we w e (1)
move_goat_ew w e (1)
move_wolf_we w e (1)
move_empty_ew e w e (1)
move_goat_we e e (1)
Plan length: 7 step(s).
Plan cost: 7