spring Boot中如何解决sql语法异常和Unknown column 'id'

How to Solve sql grammar exception and Unknown column 'id' in springBoot

**** customer Class Model*********   
        @NamedQuery(name="Customer.findAll", query="SELECT c FROM Customer c")
        public class Customer implements Serializable {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            @Column(unique=true, nullable=false)
            private int idCustomer;

            @Column(nullable=false, length=45)
            private String name;

            //bi-directional many-to-one association to Login
            private Set<Login> logins;

            //bi-directional many-to-one association to Transaction
            private Set<Transaction> transactions;

            public Customer() {

            public int getIdCustomer() {
                return this.idCustomer;

            public void setIdCustomer(int idCustomer) {
                this.idCustomer = idCustomer;

            public String getName() {
                return this.name;

            public void setName(String name) {
                this.name = name;

            public Set<Login> getLogins() {
                return this.logins;

            public void setLogins(Set<Login> logins) {
                this.logins = logins;

            public Login addLogin(Login login) {

                return login;

            public Login removeLogin(Login login) {

                return login;

****** 登录 Class 型号*********

@NamedQuery(name="Login.findAll", query="SELECT l FROM Login l")
public class Login implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @Column(unique=true, nullable=false)
    private int idLogin;

    private String password;

    private String uName;

    //bi-directional many-to-one association to Customer
    @JoinColumn(name="idCustomer", nullable=false)
    private Customer customer;

    public Login() {

    public int getIdLogin() {
        return this.idLogin;

    public void setIdLogin(int idLogin) {
        this.idLogin = idLogin;

    public String getPassword() {
        return this.password;

    public void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;

    public String getUName() {
        return this.uName;

    public void setUName(String uName) {
        this.uName = uName;

    public Customer getCustomer() {
        return this.customer;

    public void setCustomer(Customer customer) {
        this.customer = customer;



@RequestMapping(value="/save",method=RequestMethod.POST)public StringsaveCust(
    @Valid Customer cust,
    BindingResult result,
    @RequestParam("pass") String pass , 
    @RequestParam("user") String user){

                if (result.hasErrors()) {
                    return "redirect:/customer";

                cust = custRepo.save(cust);//using spring DAO to save the object
                Login log = new Login(); //creaing a new login
                log.setUName(user); //setting the user
                log.setPassword(pass); //setting the pass
                log.setCustomer(cust); //setting the customer
                logRepository.save(log); //doesnt save the login . bt customer is saved 
                return "success";


我已经提交了我在我的 springBoot 应用程序中使用的两个模型 类。在我的数据库中有 2 个表 customer 和 login,其中 login customerID 是一个外键。 当我尝试将我的 2 类 保存在数据库中时,客户已保存 而且我的登录名没有保存。我收到一条错误消息

Unknown column 'id_customer' in 'field list'

我在项目中使用 thymeleaf,我在浏览器中看到的错误是



idCustomer 的列名称是什么?您没有将 name="COLUMN_NAME" 放在 @Column 注释中,因此 Hibernate 将您的 camelCaseParameter 默认为名为 camel_case_parameter 的列。具体来说,假设 idCustomer 映射到名为 id_customer.

@Column(unique=true, nullable=false) // missing name="COLUMN_NAME"
private int idCustomer;