通过事件 C# 处理异常的单元测试方法

Unit Testing Methods with Handled Exceptions Via Events C#

我决定为我拥有的 WinForm 应用程序创建单元测试。我使用了自定义分层 MVC 方法(视图、控制器、模型),它通过创建模拟视图和测试控制器方法使单元测试更加容易。我遇到了一个有趣的异常问题。在我的应用程序中,异常是通过事件传播的。我的控制器订阅了包含在具有异常信息的模型中的 "Exception Event"。在事件处理程序中,控制器获取该信息并调用视图的 "Display Error" 方法。这里有一些部分代码来描述我在做什么:

interface IView
    public void DisplayError(string message);

public class Controller
    IView _view;
    Model _model;
    public Controller(IView view, Model model)
        _view = view;
        _model = model;
        model.ErrorRaised += ErrorRaisedEventHandler(handle_error);

    private void handle_error(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e)

public Model
    event ErrorRaisedEventHandler ErrorRaised;

    public void DoSomething()
            //Do something bad
        catch (Exception e)
            ErrorRaised(this, new ErrorEventArgs(e.Message))


您的代码甚至无法编译,public Model 缺失 class 并且 model.ErrorRaised += ErrorRaisedEventHandler 缺失新的。下次请做必要的,因为它会阻止人们...


public interface IView
    void DisplayError(string message);

public class MyView : IView
    public string ErrorMessage;
    public void DisplayError(string message)
        ErrorMessage = message;

public delegate void ErrorRaisedEventHandler(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e);

public class Controller
    IView _view;
    Model _model;
    public Controller(IView view, Model model)
        _view = view;
        _model = model;
        _model.ErrorRaised += new ErrorRaisedEventHandler((s,e) => _view.DisplayError(e.GetException().Message));

public class Model
    public event ErrorRaisedEventHandler ErrorRaised;

    int monthsAlive = 0;
    public int MonthsAliveInPlanet(int yearBorn, int yearInTime, int monthsInPlanetsYear)
            //Do something bad - divisioin by zero
            monthsAlive = (yearInTime - yearBorn) / monthsInPlanetsYear;               
        catch (Exception e)
            ErrorRaised(this, new ErrorEventArgs(e));
        return monthsAlive;



有时模型中会出现一些逻辑,比如年龄计算 DateTime.Now.Year - yearBorn 以及模拟被零除异常的简单内容我使用了 "monthsInPlanetsYear".


可能不会,您最好将逻辑移至控制器并对其进行测试。不过,如果您确实想 勾选 "best practice" 框 并为其编写单元测试,我建议您使用 VS2015 中包含的 "Create IntelliTests" 功能:

这将生成以下通用单元测试代码(如上所示,有 2 个失败测试和 1 个通过测试),您可以在此基础上测试所有边缘情况 .

[PexAllowedExceptionFromTypeUnderTest(typeof(ArgumentException), AcceptExceptionSubtypes = true)]
public partial class ModelTest
    /// <summary>Test stub for MonthsAliveInPlanet(Int32, Int32, Int32)</summary>
    public int MonthsAliveInPlanetTest([PexAssumeUnderTest]Model target, int yearBorn, int yearInTime, int monthsInPlanetsYear)
        int result = target.MonthsAliveInPlanet(yearBorn, yearInTime, monthsInPlanetsYear);
        return result;
        // TODO: add assertions to method ModelTest.MonthsAliveInPlanetTest(Model, Int32, Int32, Int32)



/// <summary>Test stub for MonthsAliveInPlanet(Int32, Int32, Int32)</summary>
public void MonthsAliveInPlanetTestShouldFailWithZeroMonthsInYear()
    IView view = new MyView();
    Model target = new Model();
    Controller ctrl = new Controller(view, target);                        
    int yearBorn = 0;
    int yearInTime = 0;
    int monthsInPlanetsYear = 0;

    int result = target.MonthsAliveInPlanet(yearBorn, yearInTime, monthsInPlanetsYear);

    Assert.AreEqual("Attempted to divide by zero.",((MyView)view).ErrorMessage);


使用 DataAnnotations 属性验证模型数据

异常是异常的,模型应该是愚蠢的,这样任何视图都可以绑定到它,而控制器则负责工作。最好的做法是将所有业务逻辑放在控制器中并使用 DataAnnotations Attributes 来验证模型,您不希望模型中出现异常,例如:

public class Demo {
    public object Name { get; set; }
    public object Color { get; set; }
    [Range(0, 9999)]
    public object Weight { get; set; }