有哪些可用的拼写正确 api?

What are the spell correct api's available?

我想知道拼写正确 api 可用于 commercial/non 除 google/bing 以外的商业用途。

首先,您可以编写自己的拼写校正器 this tutorial. In addition there are some Python packages that may help you with that, such as TextBlob (which I highly recommend). Another option is Gingerit which Iv'e never tried but looks promising. Another DIY 拼写校正教程可能会让您感兴趣。


我刚推出这个,所以它仍然是测试版,但还不错。它的字典包含超过 600,000,000 个条目,涵盖大多数非亚洲语言。