ReSharper Error: "The output has reached the limit and was truncated. To view the full output use 'Show Stack Trace in a new window' action."

ReSharper Error: "The output has reached the limit and was truncated. To view the full output use 'Show Stack Trace in a new window' action."


The output has reached the limit and was truncated.
To view the full output use 'Show Stack Trace in a new window' action.


ReSharper 在 2016.2 中修复了这个问题,请参阅@Alexander Pacha 的回答。


由于此 post 的反应,JetBrains fixed this 'feature' 现在允许用户在 ReSharper 设置中配置它:Tools > Unit Testing > Unit Test Output > Limit number of lines in output to xxx。此修复已在 ReSharper 2016.2 中可用。