为什么 free(pointer) 会出现运行时错误?
why free(pointer) is giving runtime error?
我有以下C程序。它要求用户提供坐标数。然后使用 malloc 分配内存,将坐标(整数)存储在分配的内存中,然后释放内存。
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Arguments to main() not necessary but used to keep with convention.*/
int num_of_coordinates;
printf("How many co-ordinates: ");
scanf("%d", &num_of_coordinates);
int *coordinate_array = malloc(num_of_coordinates * 2);
int i, j;
/* Below for loop takes the x and y coordinate of all points. */
/* These coordinates are stored in coordinate_aaray[]. */
for (i=0; i < num_of_coordinates*2; i++)
j = (i / 2) + 1 ;
if (i % 2 != 0)
printf("Enter x coordinate of point %d: ",j);
printf("Enter y-coordinate of point %d: ",j);
for (i=0; i < num_of_coordinates*2; i++)
printf("%d ",coordinate_array[i]);
/* Free the allocated memory. */
free (coordinate_array);
return 0;
当我 运行 这些程序时,我没有遇到任何问题,直到 number_of_coordinates
等于或小于 3。
-bash-4.1$ ./a.out
How many co-ordinates: 3
Enter y-coordinate of point 1: 1
Enter x coordinate of point 1: 2
Enter y-coordinate of point 2: 3
Enter x coordinate of point 2: 4
Enter y-coordinate of point 3: 5
Enter x coordinate of point 3: 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
然而,当我给 num_of_coordinates
一个 4 或更大的值时,我得到一个 运行 时间错误(很可能是因为 free(coordinate_array)
-bash-4.1$ ./a.out
How many co-ordinates: 4
Enter y-coordinate of point 1: 1
Enter x coordinate of point 1: 2
Enter y-coordinate of point 2: 3
Enter x coordinate of point 2: 4
Enter y-coordinate of point 3: 5
Enter x coordinate of point 3: 6
Enter y-coordinate of point 4: 7
Enter x coordinate of point 4: 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
*** glibc detected *** ./a.out: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x000000000185b010 ***
实际上 运行time 错误消息很长,所以我只显示了该错误的第一行。
为什么在这种情况下 num_of_coordinates
大于或等于 4 时会发生此错误?
int *coordinate_array = malloc(num_of_coordinates * 2);
然而,由于每个数字都是一个 int
int *coordinate_array = malloc(num_of_coordinates * 2 * sizeof(int));
-bash-4.1$ ./a.out
How many co-ordinates: 4
Enter y-coordinate of point 1: 1
Enter x coordinate of point 1: 2
Enter y-coordinate of point 2: 3
Enter x coordinate of point 2: 4
Enter y-coordinate of point 3: 5
Enter x coordinate of point 3: 6
Enter y-coordinate of point 4: 7
Enter x coordinate of point 4: 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
int *coordinate_array = malloc(num_of_coordinates * 2);
1) the amount of allocated memory is 1byte * num_of_coordinates * 2
That is not large enough to hold num_of_coordinates*2 integers
int *coordinate_array = malloc(num_of_coordinates * 2 * sizeof int);
2) always check the returned value from malloc (and family)
to assure the operation was successful
int *coordinate_array = NULL;
if( NULL == (coordinate_array = malloc(num_of_coordinates * 2 * sizeof int) ) )
{ // then, malloc failed
perror( "malloc for coordinate array failed" );
// implied else, malloc successful
malloc(num_of_coordinates * sizeof(int) * 2)
此外,为了仔细检查,您记录值以测试您的代码如何。例如,记录 num_of_coordinates 以确保您扫描了正确的值。
我有以下C程序。它要求用户提供坐标数。然后使用 malloc 分配内存,将坐标(整数)存储在分配的内存中,然后释放内存。
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Arguments to main() not necessary but used to keep with convention.*/
int num_of_coordinates;
printf("How many co-ordinates: ");
scanf("%d", &num_of_coordinates);
int *coordinate_array = malloc(num_of_coordinates * 2);
int i, j;
/* Below for loop takes the x and y coordinate of all points. */
/* These coordinates are stored in coordinate_aaray[]. */
for (i=0; i < num_of_coordinates*2; i++)
j = (i / 2) + 1 ;
if (i % 2 != 0)
printf("Enter x coordinate of point %d: ",j);
printf("Enter y-coordinate of point %d: ",j);
for (i=0; i < num_of_coordinates*2; i++)
printf("%d ",coordinate_array[i]);
/* Free the allocated memory. */
free (coordinate_array);
return 0;
当我 运行 这些程序时,我没有遇到任何问题,直到 number_of_coordinates
等于或小于 3。
-bash-4.1$ ./a.out
How many co-ordinates: 3
Enter y-coordinate of point 1: 1
Enter x coordinate of point 1: 2
Enter y-coordinate of point 2: 3
Enter x coordinate of point 2: 4
Enter y-coordinate of point 3: 5
Enter x coordinate of point 3: 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
然而,当我给 num_of_coordinates
一个 4 或更大的值时,我得到一个 运行 时间错误(很可能是因为 free(coordinate_array)
-bash-4.1$ ./a.out
How many co-ordinates: 4
Enter y-coordinate of point 1: 1
Enter x coordinate of point 1: 2
Enter y-coordinate of point 2: 3
Enter x coordinate of point 2: 4
Enter y-coordinate of point 3: 5
Enter x coordinate of point 3: 6
Enter y-coordinate of point 4: 7
Enter x coordinate of point 4: 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
*** glibc detected *** ./a.out: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x000000000185b010 ***
实际上 运行time 错误消息很长,所以我只显示了该错误的第一行。
为什么在这种情况下 num_of_coordinates
大于或等于 4 时会发生此错误?
int *coordinate_array = malloc(num_of_coordinates * 2);
然而,由于每个数字都是一个 int
int *coordinate_array = malloc(num_of_coordinates * 2 * sizeof(int));
-bash-4.1$ ./a.out
How many co-ordinates: 4
Enter y-coordinate of point 1: 1
Enter x coordinate of point 1: 2
Enter y-coordinate of point 2: 3
Enter x coordinate of point 2: 4
Enter y-coordinate of point 3: 5
Enter x coordinate of point 3: 6
Enter y-coordinate of point 4: 7
Enter x coordinate of point 4: 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
int *coordinate_array = malloc(num_of_coordinates * 2);
1) the amount of allocated memory is 1byte * num_of_coordinates * 2
That is not large enough to hold num_of_coordinates*2 integers
int *coordinate_array = malloc(num_of_coordinates * 2 * sizeof int);
2) always check the returned value from malloc (and family)
to assure the operation was successful
int *coordinate_array = NULL;
if( NULL == (coordinate_array = malloc(num_of_coordinates * 2 * sizeof int) ) )
{ // then, malloc failed
perror( "malloc for coordinate array failed" );
// implied else, malloc successful
malloc(num_of_coordinates * sizeof(int) * 2)
此外,为了仔细检查,您记录值以测试您的代码如何。例如,记录 num_of_coordinates 以确保您扫描了正确的值。