如何使用相同的名称从 parent 和 child 扩展方法

How to extend method from parent and child with the same name


public class Parent


public static class ParentExtension
    public static void DoSomething<T>(this T element) where T : Parent

public class Child : Parent

public static class ChildExtension
    public static void DoSomething<T>(this T element) where T : Child
//Trying to call child extension class
var child = new Child();
child.DoSomething(); //Actually calls the parent extension method even though it is a child class

那么,是否可以完成我在这里所做的事情? 我以为会选择最具体的扩展名,但事实显然并非如此。


public static class ParentExtension
    public static void DoSomething(this Parent element)
        // ...
public static class ChildExtension
    public static void DoSomething(this Child element)
        // ...

注意:void ChildExtension::DoSomething(this Child element) 将被调用,因为 ChildParent 更具体。


// Invoke the method explicitly