Xamarin 是否支持 project.json for NuGet?

Does Xamarin Support project.json for NuGet?

Xamarin 是否支持对 NuGet 使用 project.json 文件而不是 package.config 文件?我在网上找不到明确的答案。


您在 Xamarin 论坛上看到过这个 post 吗:

I was just looking to see what the plans are for supporting NuGet v3 and project.json in XS?

There are plans to add support for NuGet v3 at some point. The main problem is that it is not as straightforward as just updating the Xamarin Studio client to support NuGet v3. We need to add support into the build tools for iOS and Android. With Microsoft releasing the NuGet build tasks we are another step closer though. Yes there is an open bug on Bugzilla for NuGet 3 support.

我会关注此 bug 以获取更新。

取决于! ;)

如果您指的是解决方案的一部分,那是。如果你创建一个新的 Xamarin 解决方案,UWP 项目不出所料地已经包含一个 project.json 文件。但这当然不是真正的 Xamarin。

另一方面,我还没有找到将 Android- 或 iOS- 项目切换到 project.json 的任何可能性。

如果您继续阅读 nuget.org,目前仅支持 UWP、PCL 和 ASP.NET Core。

因此,如果您要求 PCL - 这是可能的。您可以创建一个新项目,也可以 switch(我没试过)您的项目使用此文件。

现已添加。请参阅来自 Miguel de Icaza 的博客 post。 为了post诚实起见,我在这里引用了相关部分。

Major Updates: iOS 10, Android Nougat, and Other Tasty Bits

NuGet 3 Support In this release, we’ve also added support for NuGet 3 and the new package file format, project.json, and support for transitive restore of packages and dependencies. Any package that now targets NuGet 3 specifically can be installed and will show up in the NuGet feed when searching for packages.