是否有明确的途径可以实现在 ScalaJS + React 中广泛使用上下文的 React 组件?
Is there a clear path by which I could implement a React Component that uses context extensively in ScalaJS + React?
This component from react-sticky
is one of two in the library.
,它初始化并向下传递一个 context
到它的 child
我刚刚花了大约两个小时或更多时间将它费力地移植到 scalajs
中的 ReactJS
我开始认为我应该放弃,因为也许我的道路不是一条好路。我试图做的是用 ParentProps
消除 sjs
库中不可用的 context
的使用,并将其状态传递给 child 并返回。
package shindig.frontend.component.layout
import fr.iscpif.scaladget.mapping.ace.PlaceHolder
import japgolly.scalajs.react._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.prefix_<^._
import org.scalajs.dom.html.Div
import org.scalajs.dom.window
import org.scalajs.dom.raw.ClientRect
import scalacss.Defaults._
object StickyComponent {
case class Props(
isActive: Boolean = true,
className: String = "",
style: Seq[StyleA] = Seq(),
stickyClassName: String = "",
stickyStyle: Seq[StyleA] = Seq(),
offsetTop: Double = 0,
offsetBottom: Double = 0,
stickyStateChange: () ⇒ Callback = () ⇒ (),
contextProps: StickyContainer.Props = StickyContainer.Props()
case class State(isSticky: Boolean = false, origin: PlaceHolder)
class Backend($: BackendScope[Props, State]) {
def componentDidMount(): Unit = {
def getNode: TopNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode($)
def getRect = getNode.getBoundingClientRect()
def getY = window.pageYOffset
def getOrigin(y: Double): Double = getPlaceholderRef.top + y
def getPlaceholderRef = $.refs.apply[Div]("placeholder").get.getDOMNode().getBoundingClientRect()
def getProps: Props = $.props.runNow()
def isBelow(y: Double, contextProps: StickyContainer.Props): Boolean =
y + contextProps.offset >= getOrigin(y)
def isAbove(y: Double, contextProps: StickyContainer.Props, offset: Double): Boolean =
contextProps.offset <= contextProps.bottomOfRectOrNil - offset
def isStickyAt(y: Double, origin: Double): Boolean = {
val props = getProps
val y = getY
props.isActive && isBelow(y, props.contextProps) && isAbove(y, props.contextProps, props.offsetBottom)
def update() = $.setState(State(
object StickyContainer {
case class Props(
node: Option[TopNode] = None,
offset: Double = 0,
rect: Option[ClientRect] = None
) {
def bottomOfRectOrNil: Double = rect match {
case Some(r) ⇒ r.bottom
case None ⇒ 0
case class State(
node: Option[TopNode] = None,
offset: Double = 0,
rect: Option[_] = None
) {
def withNode(node: TopNode) =
State(Some(node), offset, rect)
class Backend($: BackendScope[Unit, State]) {
def componentDidMount(): Unit = {
def render() = {
val component =
.backend[Backend]($ ⇒ new Backend($))
所以实际上有两个答案:第一个答案是,我仍然不知道您如何在 scalajs
和 reactjs
中使用 context
,但第二个答案是,没关系,自从这次以来,我已经毫无问题地移植了其他十个 react
您只需按照 https://github.com/chandu0101/scalajs-react-components/blob/master/doc/InteropWithThirdParty.md 中的指南进行操作即可。如果您已经搜索了一段时间,您可能已经看到了这个并且可能不相信它会起作用(一开始我不太明白它会起作用),因为您所做的只是复制 Props
并创建一个人造构造函数。好吧,这就是您需要做的全部 - 很可能 - 所以在处理此任务之前尝试仅移植该页面上需要的内容。
This component from react-sticky
is one of two in the library.
我刚刚花了大约两个小时或更多时间将它费力地移植到 scalajs
中的 ReactJS
我开始认为我应该放弃,因为也许我的道路不是一条好路。我试图做的是用 ParentProps
消除 sjs
库中不可用的 context
的使用,并将其状态传递给 child 并返回。
package shindig.frontend.component.layout
import fr.iscpif.scaladget.mapping.ace.PlaceHolder
import japgolly.scalajs.react._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.prefix_<^._
import org.scalajs.dom.html.Div
import org.scalajs.dom.window
import org.scalajs.dom.raw.ClientRect
import scalacss.Defaults._
object StickyComponent {
case class Props(
isActive: Boolean = true,
className: String = "",
style: Seq[StyleA] = Seq(),
stickyClassName: String = "",
stickyStyle: Seq[StyleA] = Seq(),
offsetTop: Double = 0,
offsetBottom: Double = 0,
stickyStateChange: () ⇒ Callback = () ⇒ (),
contextProps: StickyContainer.Props = StickyContainer.Props()
case class State(isSticky: Boolean = false, origin: PlaceHolder)
class Backend($: BackendScope[Props, State]) {
def componentDidMount(): Unit = {
def getNode: TopNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode($)
def getRect = getNode.getBoundingClientRect()
def getY = window.pageYOffset
def getOrigin(y: Double): Double = getPlaceholderRef.top + y
def getPlaceholderRef = $.refs.apply[Div]("placeholder").get.getDOMNode().getBoundingClientRect()
def getProps: Props = $.props.runNow()
def isBelow(y: Double, contextProps: StickyContainer.Props): Boolean =
y + contextProps.offset >= getOrigin(y)
def isAbove(y: Double, contextProps: StickyContainer.Props, offset: Double): Boolean =
contextProps.offset <= contextProps.bottomOfRectOrNil - offset
def isStickyAt(y: Double, origin: Double): Boolean = {
val props = getProps
val y = getY
props.isActive && isBelow(y, props.contextProps) && isAbove(y, props.contextProps, props.offsetBottom)
def update() = $.setState(State(
object StickyContainer {
case class Props(
node: Option[TopNode] = None,
offset: Double = 0,
rect: Option[ClientRect] = None
) {
def bottomOfRectOrNil: Double = rect match {
case Some(r) ⇒ r.bottom
case None ⇒ 0
case class State(
node: Option[TopNode] = None,
offset: Double = 0,
rect: Option[_] = None
) {
def withNode(node: TopNode) =
State(Some(node), offset, rect)
class Backend($: BackendScope[Unit, State]) {
def componentDidMount(): Unit = {
def render() = {
val component =
.backend[Backend]($ ⇒ new Backend($))
所以实际上有两个答案:第一个答案是,我仍然不知道您如何在 scalajs
和 reactjs
中使用 context
,但第二个答案是,没关系,自从这次以来,我已经毫无问题地移植了其他十个 react
您只需按照 https://github.com/chandu0101/scalajs-react-components/blob/master/doc/InteropWithThirdParty.md 中的指南进行操作即可。如果您已经搜索了一段时间,您可能已经看到了这个并且可能不相信它会起作用(一开始我不太明白它会起作用),因为您所做的只是复制 Props
并创建一个人造构造函数。好吧,这就是您需要做的全部 - 很可能 - 所以在处理此任务之前尝试仅移植该页面上需要的内容。