如何重写此 Javascript 代码以避免 JSHint 警告?

How do I re-write this Javascript code to avoid JSHint warning?

我是开发使用 HTML、JavaScript (Angular 1.5.0) 和 CSS 的小型 Web 应用程序的新手。我正在使用 Grunt 来处理 jslint,缩小我的 javascript 和 CSS 文件。我的 Javascript 代码包含由 d3.js 创建的 SVG 图像。

我目前从 jshint 收到以下警告:

line 1932  col 32  Don't make functions within a loop.


Line #1924        for (var j = 0; j <= 5; j++) {
Line #1925          var myVarX = j * 100;
Line #1926          var myVarY = j * 200;
Line #1927          var myText = self.svgContainer.append("text")
Line #1928            .attr("x", myVarX)
Line #1929            .attr("y", myVarY)
Line #1930            .text("Hello World")
Line #1931            .attr("fill", "black")
Line #1932            .attr("transform", function(d){
Line #1933                var bb = this.getBBox();
Line #1934                leftBoundary = bb.x + (bb.width / (-2));
Line #1935                return "translate(" + (bb.width / (-2)) + ", 0)";
Line #1936              }
Line #1937            )
Line #1938          if (leftBoundary > centerX + 5)
Line #1939            myText.style("display", "block");
Line #1940          else
Line #1941            myText.remove();
Line #1942        }


    var bb = this.getBBox();
    leftBoundary = bb.x + (bb.width / (-2));
    return "translate(" + (bb.width / (-2)) + ", 0)";

在 for 循环的范围之外。喜欢:

var transformCallback = function(d) { 
    var bb = this.getBBox();

然后使用 transformCallback 代替函数。

.attr("transform", transformCallback)
Function.prototype.getTransform = function() {
  var bb = this.getBBox();
  leftBoundary = bb.x + (bb.width / (-2));
  return "translate(" + (bb.width / (-2)) + ", 0)";


for (var j = 0; j <= 5; j++) {
  var myVarX = j * 100;
  var myVarY = j * 200;
  var myText = self.svgContainer.append("text")
    .attr("x", myVarX)
    .attr("y", myVarY)
    .text("Hello World")
    .attr("fill", "black")
    .attr("transform", this.getTransform())
  if (leftBoundary > centerX + 5)
    myText.style("display", "block");
Line 1924 : Change `j++` to `j+=1`
Line 1932: Take out the function def outside the loop. Define it outside and use it here 

// function defined outside the loop
function transformFn(d) {
  var bb = this.getBBox(); // if using jQuery replace this with $(this) or that/self to ensure correct this binding
  leftBoundary = bb.x + (bb.width / (-2));
  return "translate(" + (bb.width / (-2)) + ", 0)";

// function used at Line1932 
.attr('transform', transformFn)


另一种 D3-ish 方法将完全摆脱外部 for 循环。每当您遇到围绕 D3 语句的 for 循环时,这应该引起严重的怀疑。要避免这种情况,您可以使用其强大的数据绑定功能:

  .data(d3.range(6).map(function(d) {         // data binding replaces for-loop
    return {
      x: d * 100,
      y: d * 200,
      remove: false                           // used to mark the texts for removal
    .text("Hello World")
    .attr("x", function(d) { return d.x; })   // replaces myVarX
    .attr("y", function(d) { return d.y; })   // replaces myVarY
    .attr("fill", "black")
    .attr("transform", function(d){
       var bb = this.getBBox();
       // mark texts for removal based on the condition
       d.remove = (bb.x + (bb.width / (-2))) <= centerX + 5;
       return "translate(" + (bb.width / (-2)) + ", 0)";
    .style("display", "block")
  .filter(function(d) { return d.remove; })   // select all texts marked for removal

这就是 D3 纯粹主义者的方式:一切都在数据中!该方法使用数据对象来保存位置 xy 的所有信息以及用于指示是否根据某些条件删除文本的标志 remove。除了删除 for 循环之外,这还将删除一些其他变量,例如 myVarXmyVarY,并且还将集成用于删除某些元素的块。