Defining a variable vs. initializing
所以,我的教授让我相信,在声明数组大小时,最好使用 #define
error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before numeric constant
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define handsize 5
#define size 52
// Create function prototypes
void create_deck (int deck[]);
void shuffle_deck (int size, int deck[]);
void display_card (int card);
void display_hand (int size, int hand[]);
int popCard (int *size, int deck[]);
int findScore (int size, int hand[]);
int main()
// declare/ initialize variables
int c, d, p, win = 0, lose = 0 , tie = 0, /*handsize = 0, size = 52,*/ deck[size], hand[handsize], dealer[handsize];
char play;
srand(time(NULL)); // attach random number generator to time function for truly random variables
// explain program to user and ask if they want to play
printf("This program is a card game that adds the values of all the\n");
printf("cards in the players hand, and the computers hand. The highest hand wins.\n");
printf("Would you like to play? Please press 'y' for yes, any other key for no.\n");
scanf("%c", &play); // if the user wants to play, continue the program
// while loop that continues as long as the user wants to play
while (play == 'y'){
// call functions to create and shuffle the deck
shuffle_deck (size, deck);
// for loop that calls the popCard function to deal the top card in the deck
for (c = 0; c < 5; c++){
hand[c] = popCard (&size, deck); // player gets a card
dealer[c] = popCard (&size, deck); // computer gets a card
// call the display_hand function to display the individual cards in the players hand
printf("\nYour hand consists of:\n");
display_hand (handsize, hand);
// call the display_hand function to display the individual cards in the dealers hand
printf("Dealer hand consists of:\n");
display_hand (handsize, dealer);
// call the findScore function for both the user and the computer
p = findScore (handsize, hand);
d = findScore (handsize, dealer);
// show the value of the user and computers hands
printf("\nThe value of your hand is %i\n", p);
printf("\nThe value of the dealers hand is %i\n", d);
// if statements that keep track of wins, losses and ties
if (p > d)
if (p == d)
if (p < d)
// show number of times player has won, lost, tied. Then ask to play again
printf("You have won %i times, tied %i times, and lost %i times\n", win, tie, lose);
printf("\nWould you like to play again?\n");
fflush(stdin); // flush the input buffer to stop false readings
scanf("%c", &play); // read the user input to determine if they want to play again
return 0;
例如,如果您的代码中充斥着值 1440
然后你的软盘一下子变成了2.88M。然后你必须通过 all 你的代码寻找 1440
#define TWIPS_PER_INCH 1440
#define KB_PER_FLOPPY 1440
然后在你的代码中加入符号名称,你可以只更改 一行 行,而不需要太多思考或分析。
就像我的一个仆从曾经尝试过一样。我在试图解释为什么 that 是个坏主意时获得了无尽的乐趣 :-)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define VAR 42
int main (void) {
char xyzzy[VAR];
strcpy (xyzzy, "pax is awesome");
puts (xyzzy);
return 0;
#define size 52
void shuffle_deck (int size, int deck[]);
void display_hand (int size, int hand[]);
int popCard (int *size, int deck[]);
int findScore (int size, int hand[]);
hand[c] = popCard (&size, deck);
// and possibly many others.
void shuffle_deck (int 52, int deck[]);
void display_hand (int 52, int hand[]);
int popCard (int *52, int deck[]);
int findScore (int 52, int hand[]);
hand[c] = popCard (&52, deck);
它们会导致各种各样的问题,其中 52
不是函数原型中的有效变量名,并且你不能在 C 中获取整型文字的地址,因为它 有没有地址。
#define INIT_SZ 52
并使用它来设置 变量的初始值 size
void doSomethingThatChangesSize (int *pSize) {
(*pSize) += 42;
int size = INIT_SZ; // this is the only way you use INIT_SZ
doSomethingThatChanges (&size);
所以,我的教授让我相信,在声明数组大小时,最好使用 #define
error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before numeric constant
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define handsize 5
#define size 52
// Create function prototypes
void create_deck (int deck[]);
void shuffle_deck (int size, int deck[]);
void display_card (int card);
void display_hand (int size, int hand[]);
int popCard (int *size, int deck[]);
int findScore (int size, int hand[]);
int main()
// declare/ initialize variables
int c, d, p, win = 0, lose = 0 , tie = 0, /*handsize = 0, size = 52,*/ deck[size], hand[handsize], dealer[handsize];
char play;
srand(time(NULL)); // attach random number generator to time function for truly random variables
// explain program to user and ask if they want to play
printf("This program is a card game that adds the values of all the\n");
printf("cards in the players hand, and the computers hand. The highest hand wins.\n");
printf("Would you like to play? Please press 'y' for yes, any other key for no.\n");
scanf("%c", &play); // if the user wants to play, continue the program
// while loop that continues as long as the user wants to play
while (play == 'y'){
// call functions to create and shuffle the deck
shuffle_deck (size, deck);
// for loop that calls the popCard function to deal the top card in the deck
for (c = 0; c < 5; c++){
hand[c] = popCard (&size, deck); // player gets a card
dealer[c] = popCard (&size, deck); // computer gets a card
// call the display_hand function to display the individual cards in the players hand
printf("\nYour hand consists of:\n");
display_hand (handsize, hand);
// call the display_hand function to display the individual cards in the dealers hand
printf("Dealer hand consists of:\n");
display_hand (handsize, dealer);
// call the findScore function for both the user and the computer
p = findScore (handsize, hand);
d = findScore (handsize, dealer);
// show the value of the user and computers hands
printf("\nThe value of your hand is %i\n", p);
printf("\nThe value of the dealers hand is %i\n", d);
// if statements that keep track of wins, losses and ties
if (p > d)
if (p == d)
if (p < d)
// show number of times player has won, lost, tied. Then ask to play again
printf("You have won %i times, tied %i times, and lost %i times\n", win, tie, lose);
printf("\nWould you like to play again?\n");
fflush(stdin); // flush the input buffer to stop false readings
scanf("%c", &play); // read the user input to determine if they want to play again
return 0;
例如,如果您的代码中充斥着值 1440
然后你的软盘一下子变成了2.88M。然后你必须通过 all 你的代码寻找 1440
#define TWIPS_PER_INCH 1440
#define KB_PER_FLOPPY 1440
然后在你的代码中加入符号名称,你可以只更改 一行 行,而不需要太多思考或分析。
就像我的一个仆从曾经尝试过一样。我在试图解释为什么 that 是个坏主意时获得了无尽的乐趣 :-)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define VAR 42
int main (void) {
char xyzzy[VAR];
strcpy (xyzzy, "pax is awesome");
puts (xyzzy);
return 0;
#define size 52
void shuffle_deck (int size, int deck[]);
void display_hand (int size, int hand[]);
int popCard (int *size, int deck[]);
int findScore (int size, int hand[]);
hand[c] = popCard (&size, deck);
// and possibly many others.
void shuffle_deck (int 52, int deck[]);
void display_hand (int 52, int hand[]);
int popCard (int *52, int deck[]);
int findScore (int 52, int hand[]);
hand[c] = popCard (&52, deck);
它们会导致各种各样的问题,其中 52
不是函数原型中的有效变量名,并且你不能在 C 中获取整型文字的地址,因为它 有没有地址。
#define INIT_SZ 52
并使用它来设置 变量的初始值 size
void doSomethingThatChangesSize (int *pSize) {
(*pSize) += 42;
int size = INIT_SZ; // this is the only way you use INIT_SZ
doSomethingThatChanges (&size);