如何在客户端 (JavaScript) 使用服务器端 (VB.NET) 的 return 值?

How do you use a return value from the server side (VB.NET) on the client side (JavaScript)?

是否可以使用 PageMethods 从客户端调用服务器端的函数,并在 JavaScript 中访问该函数的 return 值?这是一个例子:


function onBlur(){ //this function is called when you click away from a textbox
    PageMethods.SomeServerSideFunction(params, onSuccess, onFailure);

function onSuccess(){
    //do something on success
    //I want to be able to print out the server side function's return value here
     alert(PageMethods.DoesItWork(params)) //this is what I've tried, but it doesn't work 

function onFailure(){
    //do something on failure


Public Shared Function DoesItWork(params As String) As Boolean
    'logic to determine a return value
     Dim RetVal as Boolean
     Return RetVal 'I want to be able to use this return value on the client side
End Function

简单地说,我只需要能够在客户端访问服务器端函数的 return 值。提前致谢。


public static string ToUpper(string data) {
  return data.ToUpper();


function CallMethod() {
  PageMethods.ToUpper("hello", OnSuccessCallback, OnFailureCallback);

function OnSuccessCallback(res) {

function OnFailureCallback() {