VB.Net 使用绑定导航器保存的 DataView

VB.Net DataView Saved With Binding Navigator

好吧,我已经为我的第一个真正的 VB 项目工作了几个星期。我学到了很多东西,但我对这一点感到困惑。

一点背景知识,该应用程序保存多台机器的停机信息,并将详细信息保存到 SQL 数据库中。我需要从 SQL table 中提取数据,以便主管更新一些缺失的信息(停机原因)。我使用数据网格视图创建了数据源和数据集。我能够使用绑定导航器保存更新的停机原因。


我已经包含了整个表单的代码。 请原谅我的经验不足。 感谢您提供的任何帮助!

Public Class DataEntry2

    Private Sub ProductionDownTimeTableBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ProductionDownTimeTableBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub DataEntry2_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'ProductionDownTimeDataSet.ProductionDownTimeTable' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
    End Sub

    Private Sub DataEntry2_Closing(sender As Object, e As CancelEventArgs) Handles Me.Closing
    End Sub

    Private Sub xP2PopulateDataBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles xP2PopulateDataBtn.Click
        'Create Connection and Dataview 
        Dim connetionString As String
        Dim connection As SqlConnection
        Dim command As SqlCommand
        Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter
        Dim ds As New DataSet
        Dim dv As DataView
        Dim sql As String
        connetionString = "Data Source=Controls-PC;Initial Catalog=ProductionDownTime;User ID=XX;Password=XXXX"
        sql = "Select  * from ProductionDownTimeTable"
        connection = New SqlConnection(connetionString)
            command = New SqlCommand(sql, connection)
            adapter.SelectCommand = command
            adapter.Fill(ds, "Create DataView")
            'dv = ds.Tables(0).DefaultView
            dv = ds.Tables(0).AsDataView
            'Filters for a specific string (word) in a specicfic column. 
            'dv.RowFilter = String.Format("DTEventReason Like '%{0}%'", "Engineering")
            'Filters for "Null" in a specicfic column. 
            'dv.RowFilter = "DTEventReason is Null"
            'Filters looks for any column that contains NULL
            'dv.RowFilter = ("DTReasonBadgeNo is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime is Null")
            'Filters for a shift number 
            'dv.RowFilter = "Shift = 2"
            'Filters for LineID formatted as a string 
            'dv.RowFilter = String.Format("LineID Like '%{0}%'", "1N")
            'Filters for LineID formatted as a string numbers only  
            'dv.RowFilter = String.Format("[LineID]= '1'")
            'filters for multiple criteria 
            'dv.RowFilter = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null)")
            'dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & "and Shift = 1"
            'dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'")
            'CheckBox Filtering code=Search for Incomplete Cells Line 2 Only 
            If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = True And _
               xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = False And _
               xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = False Then
                dv.RowFilter = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null)")
                dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'")
                dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime"
            End If
            'CheckBox Filtering code=Search for Incomplete Cells on first and second shift only Line 2 Only 
            If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = True And _
               xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = True And _
               xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = True Then
                dv.RowFilter = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null)")
                dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & "and Shift=1 or Shift=2"
                dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'")
                dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime"
            End If
            'CheckBox Filtering code=Search for Incomplete Cells on first shift only Line 2 Only 
            If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = True And _
               xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = True And _
               xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = False Then
                dv.RowFilter = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null)")
                dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & "and Shift = 1"
                dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'")
                dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime"
            End If
            'CheckBox Filtering code=Search for Incomplete Cells on second shift only Line 2 Only 
            If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = True And _
               xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = False And _
               xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = True Then
                dv.RowFilter = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null)")
                dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & "and Shift = 2"
                dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'")
                dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime"
            End If
            'CheckBox Filtering Code=Incomplete and Complete Cells on First Shift Only Line 2 Only 
            If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = False And _
               xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = True And _
               xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = False Then
                dv.RowFilter = "Shift = 1"
                dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'")
                dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime"
            End If
            'CheckBox Filtering Code=Incomplete and Complete Cells on Second Shift Only Line 2 Only 
            If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = False And _
               xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = False And _
               xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = True Then
                dv.RowFilter = "Shift = 2"
                dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'")
                dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime"
            End If
            'CheckBox Filtering Code=Show All Line 2 Only 
            If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = False And _
               xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = False And _
               xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = False Then
                dv.RowFilter = "1 = 1"
                dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'")
                dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime"
            End If
            'CheckBox Filter Code Show all Data from First and Second Shift Line 2 Only 
            If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = False And _
               xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = True And _
               xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = True Then
                dv.RowFilter = "Shift=1 or Shift=2"
                dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'")
                dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime"
            End If
            ProductionDownTimeTableDataGridView.DataSource = ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource
            ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.DataSource = dv
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

很少需要显式创建 DataView,除非您需要同一 DataTable 的多个视图。每个 DataTable 已经通过 DefaultView 属性 与 DataView 相关联。当您绑定 DataTable 时,例如直接到 DataGridViewBindingSource,暴露的数据实际上来自 DefaultView,这就是为什么您可以通过单击列 header 来对数据进行排序在网格中。

如果您已将 DataTable 绑定到 BindingSource,那么,正如@Plutonix 建议的那样,您可以使用 Sort 通过 BindingSource 对数据进行排序和过滤和 Filter 属性。这些与底层 DataViewSortRowFilter 属性具有相同的效果,即绑定 DataTable.
