
How to get actioncolumn icon component?

我搜索了两天,但找不到如何访问 rowselect 上的 actioncolumn 组件(不是 html)。我需要使用 Saki's component communication technique (source) 设置图标点击事件。 我的专栏看起来像:

我找到了如何 show/hide 按钮更改行选择的方法(此代码在 GridPanel 中使用):

sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
        singleSelect: true,
        listeners: {
            beforerowselect: function(grid, rowIndex, record) {

                // 7 is the last cell index
                var cell = grid.grid.getView().getCell( rowIndex, 7 );
                //select icons in cell
                var icons = Ext.DomQuery.select('.x-action-col-icon', cell);

                //for each DOM element
                Ext.each(icons, function(icon, index) {
                    currentIcon = Ext.get(icon);

                    //if not 1st button
                    if (index !== 0) {
                        //Delete class that hides. Class 'x-hidden' also works
                        currentIcon.removeClass('x-hide-display'); //show icon
            rowdeselect: function(grid, rowIndex, record) {

                // 7 is the last cell index
                var cell = grid.grid.getView().getCell( rowIndex, 7 );
                //select icons in cell
                var icons = Ext.DomQuery.select('.x-action-col-icon', cell);

                //for each DOM element
                Ext.each(icons, function(icon, index) {
                    currentIcon = Ext.get(icon);

                    //if not 1st button
                    if (index !== 0) {
                        //Delete class that hides. Class 'x-hidden' also works
                        currentIcon.addClass('x-hide-display'); //show icon

好的。下一个。我想在点击时显示另一个 window(设置点击事件)。但我不知道如何从 Window/Viewport:

//get items
this.loanGrid = this.items.itemAt(0);
this.documentsGridWindow = this.items.itemAt(2);

//add events
this.loanGrid.on ({
    scope: this,
    afterrender: function() {

        selModel = this.loanGrid.getSelectionModel();

            scope: this,
            rowselect: function (grid, rowIndex, keepExisting, record) {
                //HOW TO GET actioncolumn 2nd button here???



我还尝试在 beforerowselect 上将 id 设置为此图标,但在 rowselect 上此代码 Ext.getCmp('icon-id') returns undefinedup()down() 函数对我也没有帮助 =(

请帮助! =)

p.s。很遗憾,但是 Ext.ComponentQuery 仅适用于 ExtJS 4。



dataIndex: 'action',
id: 'action',

网格行按钮 show/hide 现在独立于 actioncolumn 移动:

 * buildSelectionModel
buildSelectionModel: function() {
    var sm = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
        singleSelect: true,
        listeners: {
            scope: this,
            rowselect: function(grid, rowIndex, record) {
                this.toggleFirstButtonShowState(grid.grid, rowIndex);
            rowdeselect: function(grid, rowIndex, record) {
                this.toggleFirstButtonShowState(grid.grid, rowIndex);
    return sm;

 * toggleFirstButtonShowState
toggleFirstButtonShowState: function(grid, rowIndex) {

    //'action' is data index of
    var colIndex = this.getColumnIndexByDataIndex(grid, 'action');

    // 7 is the last cell index
    var cell = grid.getView().getCell( rowIndex, colIndex);
    //select icons in cell
    var icons = Ext.DomQuery.select('.x-action-col-icon', cell);

    //for each DOM element
    Ext.each(icons, function(icon, index) {
        currentIcon = Ext.get(icon);

        //if not 1st button
        if (index !== 0) {
            //Show/delete class that hides. Class 'x-hidden' also works
            currentIcon.toggleClass('x-hide-display'); //show/hide icon


getColumnIndexByDataIndex: function(grid, dataIndex) {
    gridColumns = grid.getColumnModel().columns;

    for (var i = 0; i < gridColumns.length; i++) {
       if (gridColumns[i].dataIndex == dataIndex) {
            return i;

Viewport 部分:

//get selection model
selModel = this.loanGrid.getSelectionModel();

    scope: this,
    rowselect: function (grid, rowIndex, keepExisting, record) {

        //get second icon in actioncolumn
        var icon = grid.grid.getColumnModel().getColumnById('action').items[1];

        //save context
        var self = this;

        //add handler by direct set
        icon.handler = function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
            //open documents window
