
Ionic framework - landscape split view ghost

我正在开发一款基于 Ionic 框架的应用程序,适用于手机(纵向模式)和平板电脑(横向模式)。在横向模式下,我使用 Ionic 的 'expose-aside-when' to always display the menu at the left side. The weird thing is, that there is kind of a ghost menu at the right side – its width is exactly 275px and it's just white background. See this image for reference, the blue area is the exposed side menu, the red area is the content, the white area is the ghost spacing I'd like to get rid of: Screenshot


别介意,我已经找到问题了。有两个 ion-side-menu 指令有条件地隐藏,基于 tablet 识别——当 DOM 加载时它还没有准备好,所以在计算主要内容时两个 ion-side-menu 都在那里– 因此右侧的白色 space。