yii2 如何在另一个中创建和设置条件

yii2 how to create and condition in another one

我想用 yii2 框架添加过滤条件,这个条件必须生成以下请求:

select count(*) from v_ressource
        str_to_date('27/04/2016', '%d/%m/%Y')
        between str_to_date(erDateDebut, '%d/%m/%Y')
        and str_to_date(erDateFin, '%d/%m/%Y')
    and erDateFin is not null
        str_to_date('27/04/2016', '%d/%m/%Y') 
        between str_to_date(erDateDebut, '%d/%m/%Y') 
        and now()
    and erDateFin is null

如您所见,在 'or' 条件中有 'and' 个条件。


            'str_to_date(\'' . $this->dateRecherche . '\', \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')',
            new Expression('str_to_date(erDateDebut, \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')'),
            new Expression('str_to_date(erDateFin, \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')'),
            'not', ['erDateFin' => null],

            'str_to_date(\'' . $this->dateRecherche . '\', \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')',
            new Expression('str_to_date(erDateDebut, \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')'),
            new Expression('now()'),
            'is', 'erDateFin', null,

both of is null and is not null条件没有出现在生成的请求中并且没有"nested"条件(和or条件中的条件)


andFilterWhereorFilterWhere 不允许以这种方式嵌套,因为它们对查询对象进行操作 - 而不是对条件对象进行操作。您可以这样定义查询:

            'str_to_date(\'' . $this->dateRecherche . '\', \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')',
            new Expression('str_to_date(erDateDebut, \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')'),
            new Expression('str_to_date(erDateFin, \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')'),
            'not', ['erDateFin' => null],

            'str_to_date(\'' . $this->dateRecherche . '\', \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')',
            new Expression('str_to_date(erDateDebut, \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')'),
            new Expression('now()'),
            'is', 'erDateFin', null,

您甚至可以将其全部放入一个 where 方法调用中:

                'str_to_date(\'' . $this->dateRecherche . '\', \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')',
                new Expression('str_to_date(erDateDebut, \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')'),
                new Expression('str_to_date(erDateFin, \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')'),
                'not', ['erDateFin' => null],
                'str_to_date(\'' . $this->dateRecherche . '\', \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')',
                new Expression('str_to_date(erDateDebut, \'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i\')'),
                new Expression('now()'),
                'is', 'erDateFin', null,

我用过 where method, not the filterWhere methods, because you probably don't want to remove empty operands from the query. More information about filtering can be found here. where 也记录了 andor 运算符。


$count = $query->count();