输入年份,如果不是闰年,不使用模数符号,则显示“闰年"if it is leap year or "不是闰年”的程序

A program that inputs a year and displays “Leap year "if it is leap year or "Not leap year" if it is not leap year without using the modulus symbol


if (year/4*4==year)
cout<<"It is a leap year!";
cout<<"It is not a leap year!";



在我的代码中,我还添加了一个辅助函数(Turbo C++ 有 bool 类型,对吧?它是标准的一部分...),具有准确的公式(您可以在网上找到)。请注意,当用户输入的内容不是整数(或 EOF)时,循环结束。

#include <iostream>

bool is_leap( int y )
    return  y % 400 == 0  ||  ( y % 100 != 0  &&  y % 4 == 0 );

int main()
    int year;

    while ( std::cin >> year )
        if ( is_leap(year) )
            std::cout << year << " is a leap year!\n";
            std::cout << year << " is not a leap year.\n";

    return 0;


1857 is not a leap year.
1900 is not a leap year.
1980 is a leap year!
1991 is not a leap year.
2000 is a leap year!
2016 is a leap year!